1,000 More Film Workers In DIY Follow Mass Vaccinations

JAKARTA - More than 1,000 film workers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta participated in the mass vaccination of COVID-19 at Jogja Expo Center (JEC) Yogyakarta, Wednesday, April 7.

Thousands of film art workers who get the vaccine ranging from performers, extras or extras, crews, studio guards to catering services.

"By being vaccinated we gained confidence again to work in the field because we are still gamang," said Director Hanung Bramantyo as coordinator of film workers.

According to Hanung, the implementation of vaccination was not separated from the services of a number of representatives of sineas in Jakarta who asked for the support of President Joko Widodo to re-excite the world of cinema in the country.

"President Jokowi then gave no other direction except the provision of vaccines should be rushed to all film workers. That's why we were asked to record," he said.

Hanung who was in Yogyakarta then conveyed directly to President Joko Widodo when reviewing the vaccination of artists and culturalists in Padepokan Bagong Kussudiardja Bantul on March 10, 2021, that there are still more than 1,000 active film workers in Yogyakarta who need vaccination.

Diy Governor Sri Sultan HamengkuBuwono X then asked Hanung to provide data on film workers in DIY. From the beginning around 1,200 people, finally tweeted 1,056 film workers who were ready to be vaccinated along with family members.

"For me this is amazing, the response from the government is very fast," said the director of the film Bumi Manusia.

According to him, film workers in Yogyakarta are in desperate need of vaccination because it is expected to reduce the budget of covid-19 rapid tests every time a film is produced. Moreover, most of them are not related to large industrial films with large budgets such as in Jakarta.

"With this vaccination it can at least reduce rapid facilities that cost a lot," he said.

DIY Local Government Spokesperson for the handling of COVID-19 Berty Murtiningsih said vaccinations against art workers in the field of film coincided with the vaccination of second-stage public servants.

After getting the first dose, according to him, the film workers will get vaccinated again in the next 28 days.