Films About The Prophet And Some Controversies In Them

JAKARTA - In 2015, reported by Reuters, Iran has made a film with a budget that broke the country's record, which is about US$ 40 million or worth more than Rp560 billion. The film was directed by Oscar nominee Majid Majidi. The state-sponsored film was titled Mohammad, Messenger of God.

The film tells the story of the life of the Prophet Muhammad. When interviewed by Hezbollah Line, a conservative magazine in Iranian circles, Majidi said the film was aimed at combating a new wave of Islamophobia in the Western world. According to him, the Western interpretation of Islam contains only crime and terrorism.

Mohammad, Messenger of God is the first film of The Prophet Muhammad's life trilogy planned by Majidi. The film is 171 minutes long, and highlights the Prophet's childhood life.

Meanwhile, the face of the Prophet Muhammad is not shown in the film at all. The depiction of the prophet is shown only once, even as a shadow. In another scene, the camera is used as a "view" of the Prophet Muhammad with the aim that the audience can see from his point of view.

Once upon a time it was also shown a boy playing. The boy is likened to Muhammad, but is only shown from behind. It was not clear who the young actor was.

It is predicted that the film will break domestic box office records. But the problem is that there are those who call for the film to be banned from airing in Iran. Quoted from Reuters, Al-Azhar University in Egypt was dissatisfied and asked for the film to be banned. As is known, Al-Azhar is a prestigious Sunni campus in Egypt.

"The problem is obvious. Sharia forbids the prophet," said Professor Abdel Fattah Alawari, dean of the Faculty of Islamic Theology at Al-Azhar. According to him, it has to do with the life of the actor who plays Muhammad. In real life, the actor could be a drunk or a female performer. "That's unacceptable," he added.

Politicization Issues

Sami Yusuf, one of the famous Islamic musicians who participated in singing for Mohammad's theme song Messenger of God, gave his assumption that the banning of the film was merely a matter of politicization. Because the filmmaker is Shia.

"I'm sure the people at Al-Azhar and others who criticized this film haven't watched it. They're just against it because it's like exporting Iranian culture," he said. Yusuf himself supported the film because there are not many films about the Prophet Muhammad, especially compared to Jesus or other prophets in Christianity.

According to Joseph, this is quite embarrassing. "You cannot continue to study the Prophet Muhammad and fall in love with his life and character. If this film makes people all over the world know our prophet better and see how good he is, our job is done," Yusuf said in his opinion.

Prophet Muhammad in The Message (1976)

Working on a film about the prophet is considered taboo in Islam. Throughout the history of cinema, there has been one film about the Prophet Muhammad, namely The Message (1976) directed by Syrian director Moustapha al-Akkad, and Anthony Quinn who played uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. The face of the Prophet Muhammad is not shown in it, but many Muslim groups have been offended.

In 2005, Akkad the director died in a suicide bombing in Amman, but it is not known if it has anything to do with the film he once made.

Noah Film Controversy (2014) in Indonesia

In Indonesia itself, the Film Censorship Institute (LSF) never gave a censorship pass to Noah's film (2014) starring Russel Crowe. LSF assessed that Darren Aronofsky's work is considered to have content that violates religious teachings in the country.

The LSF even appealed to some cinemas not to screen it. The chairman of the LSF at the time, Mukhlis stated his rejection of the film, which is not in accordance with what is believed or not in accordance with the scriptures.

Here are some controversial scenes in Noah that are the reason for LSF:

The figure of the prophet depicted

In noah film directed by Darren Aronofsky, it is clearly portrayed by Russel Crowe. Darren Aronofsky himself insists that the film was 'inspired' not to 'take the story' out of scripture.

"While there are many artistic aspects included, we believe that the existing story displays the essence, values, and integrity of a story that many people have believed in," the official announcement read.

Portrayed as a grumpy and murderous

The figure of Noah or Noah in the film is considered to violate the story of the Bible version. Noah was judged not only to be different from the Bible version but to even attack scripture. In scripture, Noah is described as a highly respected figure. He is the All-elected, the All-be charitable.

While in the film, Noah is shown as a grumpy figure even intending to kill his granddaughter when his son-in-law is pregnant. In this film, Noah is portrayed as a figure who wants to stop the development of mankind.

Described as a hater

American presenter Glenn Beck has harshly criticised the film. "Noah in the movie is seen as a lunatic," he says. "I always thought Noah was a prophet who did not do much. But in the film he is portrayed as a hater. No prophet hates people.

Beck also reveals that one of the dialogues in the film is judged to be incompatible with the figure of Noah. Look, "Everybody's a criminal. And God only wants animals in the ark. And we're all going to kill each other. And I will be the first—I will kill you all. Then you'll kill me, then we'll be buried with everyone after that we're back on the ground again. Then you just have to kill yourself. I'll trust you on that."

Where the ark landed

In the scriptures (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) it is explained that Noah's ark landed on a mountain after the flood receded. But in the film, the ark containing animals and humans lands on a reef close to shore.

Such are the films about the prophet and his controversies.

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