Not Clear, DPR Leadership Asked Minister Of Religion To Clarify Haj And Umrah Permits From Saudi Arabia

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, asked the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, to immediately clarify the information from the Saudi Arabian government which has granted permission to carry out Haj and Umrah in 2021.

This is to prevent confusion over data and regulations for the waiting congregation.

"Hopefully, this information can be followed up by the Ministry of Religion", Azis told reporters on Wednesday, April 7.

Azis welcomed the position of the Ministry of Haj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia which has granted permission to visit the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque for people who have been vaccinated starting this month of Ramadan.

The DPR leadership in the political and security sector also asked the Ministry of Religion to immediately coordinate with related parties.

"The initial information we received was that there was permission for Umrah and prayer at the Grand Mosque, as well as a visit to the Prophet's Mosque starting on 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijrah. This is especially for congregations who have been vaccinated by the provisions applied (Tawakkalna)", explained Azis.

Furthermore, according to Azis, only those who have been immunized are accepted to visit. In other words, the congregation has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Then, the congregation who after 14 days received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and who recovered from infection.

"Maybe prospective Umrah pilgrims and those who do not understand this information. How do the ordering permits to perform the Umrah pilgrimage, prayers, and visits? Does it have to go through the application (Eatmarna) and (Tawakkalna)?. This procedure needs to be disseminated", explained the former chairman of Commission III of the DPR. this

Apart from the permit, the deputy chairman of the Golkar Party also questioned the verification steps regarding its validity through the application (Tawakkalna). These methods, he said, are important to convey to Umrah travel agents so as not to cause obstacles to prospective congregations in the process of departure.

"I believe that many prospective Umrah pilgrims do not understand this. Including other procedures, we hope that the Ministry of Religion can help provide a detailed explanation", said Azis.