Changes In The Business Environment On The Side Of Supply Must Be Attention To PGN Workers

JAKARTA - The PGN Labor Union (SP) in the 2024 National Working Meeting, held a Steering Discussion Forum (FDT) aimed at strengthening the synergy between workers and management in maintaining PGN's role and contribution as well as natural gas in the sustainability of national energy services and its role in national energy security in business dynamics and increasingly complex challenges.

This discussion forum is a forum for all stakeholders to exchange ideas and ideas about the challenges and opportunities faced by the national gas industry, especially PGN. By carrying the theme relevant to the company's future, this event aims to formulate strategic steps that can ensure PGN's business sustainability.

The 2024 SP National Working Meeting was attended by the SP management and PGN management, opened by the General Chairperson (Ketum) SP PGN, Ardi Viryawan, and PGN management represented by Rachmat Hutama, Director of Human Resources and Business Supporting PGN, Director of PGN Strategy and Business Development, Rosa Permata Sari, and Tony Setyo Boedi Hoesodo, Independent Commissioner.

One of the important points discussed in this forum is the transformation of PGN's business to face future challenges.

"In the future, PGN must continue to focus on developing human resources, adapting technology, and focusing on existing regulations in responding to the challenges of natural gas business," said Toni in his statement to the media, Monday, October 28.

In line with Toni, Rachmat also reminded that changes in the business environment, especially on the supply side, should be a concern for all PGN workers.

"Sooner or later, management will enter a new chapter, namely LNG infrastructure development and LNG trading," explained Rachmat.

PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development, Rosa Permata Sari, in her presentation said that PGN has big ambitions for the national gas industry.

Our main focus is to ensure that PGN remains present and contributes to the country until 2045. To achieve this goal, we need to carry out various transformations, both in terms of business and human resources," said Rosa.

In addition to discussing business transformation, this forum also discusses various other strategic issues, such as the availability of gas supply, the development of gas infrastructure, energy transformation, and increasing the competence of human resources. The discussion participants actively provide input and fresh ideas to overcome the challenges that exist.

PGN continues to strive to increase production capacity and gas distribution. The development of gas infrastructure in various regions, especially in Central and East Indonesia, is a strategic step to strengthen national energy security and support the government's efforts to achieve better energy mix targets.

PGN as Pertamina Gas Subholding has a strong commitment to building energy in Indonesia, especially the use of natural gas energy, which is in line with the Energy Swasembada program in Asta Cita Pemerintah 2024 2029 under the leadership of Prabowo-Gibran.

PGN is also trying to answer the challenge of unbalance supply-demand by struggling to get gas supply in Indonesia, starting from domestic gas to marginal wells including efforts to get LNG supplies from various global regions to secure natural gas supply to customers so as to increase natural gas absorption and make gas an energy of choice during the current energy transition.

Reducing the carbon footprint and green energy business is also the company's long-term goal. Not to forget efforts to open up opportunities for cooperation, including with various relevant government agencies to accelerate infrastructure development and the use of natural gas in Indonesia.

Synergy between trade unions and management is one of the keys to the success of this discussion forum. Both parties agree that solid cooperation is very important to achieve a common goal, namely PGN's sustainability. By supporting and cooperating, it is hoped that PGN can continue to grow and develop and make a greater contribution to society and the country.

Rosa also emphasized the importance of collaboration between trade unions and management in realizing the company's vision.

"Hopefully what has been established in the form of discussions like this can be realized in business activities, the productive inputs that we can get from the start will be very useful so that the policies determined by the company are also contributive to growth and can be implemented properly," he said.

General Chairperson (Ketum) of SP PGN Ardi Viryawan, ensured that SP PGN together with management worked hand in hand to find solutions in fulfilling government assignments with all existing challenges and maintaining the growth and sustainability of the company's business. Ardi believes that with the company's better performance, the welfare of workers and PGN's contribution to Indonesia will also increase.

Assignments that have been running so far, from Jargas to HGBT with all the challenges that exist do not dampen the enthusiasm of workers to make the best contribution to the Company in maintaining the sustainability of the Company's business.

Thus, he said, SP PGN prioritizes constructive dialogue with management to ensure that every initiative taken, including the development of natural gas infrastructure, still considers workers as the main foundation of the company's business running.

"We support PGN in carrying out its duties, as long as it remains within measurable risk limits, considering that PGN as a business entity must continue to generate profits and grow. The welfare of workers must also be considered so that enthusiasm and productivity remain high in achieving the target. As a company Tbk, PGN is also responsible for maintaining the trust of shareholders. We hope that the government can provide support, such as a competitive allocation of gas supply and LNG, so that PGN can carry out its duties as aggregator of gas and development agents to achieve Swasembada Energi," said Ardi.