Waitress Cafe In South Sulawesi Iron Stabbed Repeatedly, The Perpetrator Arrested By The Police

NORTH TORAJA - The perpetrator of the female abuse who also worked as a waiter at the Komatsu Toraja Utara cafe, South Sulawesi, was arrested by the police.

Head of Public Relations of North Toraja Police, Ipda Agus Martopo, said that the perpetrator of the maltreatment Aa (21) at the cafe had fled after assaulting victim En (18).

"The perpetrator was arrested after 10 days as a fugitive, he was arrested after assaulting a female waitress at Cafe Komatsu, North Toraja", said Head of Public Relations of North Toraja Police, Ipda Agus Martopo, to reporters, Wednesday, April 7.

The persecution took place Saturday, March 27 evening. The case started when the perpetrator wanted to borrow the victim's cellphone. But the victim refused to hand over the cellphone.

"The victim was working, the perpetrator who visited the cafe asked for the victim's cellphone. But the victim refused to give her cellphone to the perpetrator. The perpetrator immediately seized and stabbed the victim using a sharp object (sharp iron) in the chest and hands", said Ipda Agus Martopo.

The police arrested the perpetrator after investigating the persecution case. Information was obtained that the perpetrator was at the house of one of the residents.

The perpetrator was charged under Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. currently, the victim is still under treatment and getting better.