BCA Opens Voice About Sritex's Debt

JAKARTA - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) has opened its voice regarding PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk or Sritex (SRIL) which is bankrupt based on the decision of the Semarang Commercial District Court, Case number 2 / Pdt.Sus- Homologation / 2024 / PN Niaga Smg.

To note based on Sritex's financial report in June 2024, Sritex has debts to 28 banks including PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA). The long-term bank debt to BCA amounted to 71.30 million US dollars. In addition, short-term bank debt bills amounted to 11.37 million US dollars.

BCA's EVP Corporate Communication & Social Responsibility, Hera F Haryn, said that his party respects the process and legal decisions of the Commercial Court. As well as respecting the cassation legal steps proposed by Sritex.

"In connection with information from PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) which was officially declared bankrupt, it can be stated that PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) respects the process and legal decisions of the Commercial Court. BCA also appreciates the cassation legal steps being proposed by the Debtor concerned," he said in his statement, Monday, October 28.

Hera explained that his party was open to coordinating with all relevant stakeholders appointed by the court.

"BCA is open to coordinating with all relevant stakeholders, including the curator appointed by the court in order to achieve the best solution and/or settlement for debtors and all existing creditors," he said.

In addition, Hera explained that BCA's loan at risk ratio (LAR) reached 6.1 percent in the first nine months of 2024, improving from the position a year ago at 7.9 percent.

Meanwhile, the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) is at a maintained level of 2.1 percent. Meanwhile, the reserves for LAR and NPL are at an adequate level, 73.5 percent and 193.9 percent, respectively.