Highest Mountain In West Java: Here Are Some Lists

YOGYAKARTA - West Java Province is known as one of the areas in Indonesia that is rich in mountains. Some mountains in this province are still relatively active, but this does not dampen the enthusiasm of climbers to conquer the peak. West Java has a number of towering mountains of more than 2,000 meters above sea level (MDPL).

Some of them are even included in the list of "seven Summits" or the seven highest peaks in the province. The following is a review of the seven highest mountains in West Java.

1. Mount Ciremai

Mount Ciremai is the highest mountain in West Java with a height of 3,078 MDPLs. Administratively, this mountain is located in the Kuningan Regency and Majalengka Regency. Climbers can choose two hiking trails to reach the peak, namely through the Linggarjati route in Kuningan or the Apuy route in Majalengka.

Mount Ciremai is known as an active type A volcano with a stratovolcano shape and often experiences moderate-scale explosive eruptions. The mountain has two craters, one on the west side with a radius of 400 meters and another on the east side with a radius of 600 meters.

2. Mount Pangrango

Mount Pangrango is the second-highest mountain after Mount Ciremai in Responsarate with a height of 3,019 MDPL. The peak of Mount Pangrango is located between three regions, namely Bogor Regency, Cianjur Regency, and Sukabumi Regency.

The hiking trail to the top can be reached through Mount Putri, Cibodas, or Salabintana. Mount Pangrango is a favorite of climbers, especially novice climbers. In addition, many non- Climbers are also interested in traveling in this mountain area because of its easy access and natural beauty.

3. Mount Gede

Mount Gede, which is included in the Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGP) area, has a peak as high as 2,958 MDPL. TNGP itself has an area of about 21,975 hectares and is one of the important national parks in West Java. This mountain also includes three administrative areas, namely Bogor Regency, Cianjur Regency, and Sukabumi Regency. At an altitude of 2,750 MDPL, there is Suryakencana Square, a savanna area decorated with edelweis flowers. Mount Gede is also a friendly mountain for novice climbers, making it a favorite destination.

4. Mount Cikuray

Being in Garut Regency, Mount Cikuray has an altitude of 2,818 MDPL and is an active type A volcano with a stratovolcano shape. Climbing to the top of Mount Cikuray can go through several routes, including the transmitters of Cilawu, Bayongbong, and Cikajang. Historically, Mount Cikuray was once a place of semigration for priests and this story was documented in ancient manuscripts that were stored today.

5. Mount Papangayan

Mount Papandayan, also located in Garut Regency, has a height of 2,665 MDPLs. Despite experiencing several eruptions, this mountain remains a favorite tourist destination and is considered friendly for novice climbers. In addition to the easy hiking trail, around Mount Papandayan there are several tourist destinations such as dead forests, savanas, and hot springs that attract many tourists. The natural beauty of Mount Papandayan makes it one of the popular destinations for climbers and tourists who want to enjoy the mountain atmosphere.

6. Mount Kendang

Mount Kendang, with a height of 2,608 MDPL, is the sixth highest mountain in West Java. This mountain is located in the Papandayan Nature Reserve area which includes Garut Regency and Bandung Regency. Although not well known, Mount Kendang has a beautiful natural panorama, surrounded by a large tea plantation, especially in the Pangalengan area. This area is a special attraction, especially for tourists who are looking for a place to relax while enjoying the beauty of tea plantations.

7. Mount Patuha

Mount Patuha, which is located in Bandung Regency, has a peak with an altitude of 2,434 MDPL. One of the main attractions of Mount Patuha is White Crater, a crater with greenish water that emits exotic beauty. This crater has become one of the popular tourist sites in West Java, attracting tourists from various regions. In fact, the Mount Patuha area is often used as a film shooting location, adding to the attractiveness of this mountain as a natural tourist destination.

For the latest update, starting October 28, 2024, Mount Ciremai Climbing Will Be Temporarily Closed To Restore Ecosystems

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