Rizieq Shihab's Request Ahead Of The Month Of Ramadan

JAKARTA - Habib Rizieq Shihab asked for a routine swab test process to be carried out before the trial from noon to night during the month of Ramadan. The goal is that the fasting that is undertaken is not canceled.

"The first is related to the trial process, the defendant several times before the trial was diswab. We want to remind the panel that next week is entering the month of Ramadan. So that the swab process is expected to be in the evening so that the defendants do not fast," said Rizieq Shihab through his lawyer at the East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, April 7.

Responding to the request, the presiding judge Khadwanto gave him permission. Later, the technical team will accommodate the defendant regarding the swab test.

"Regarding the swab, it can be accommodated. Later it will be submitted to the technical department. So the swab is at night so it doesn't break the fast. Later we will try to coordinate it with the technical," said Khadwanto.

For information, the panel of judges decided to reject the objection or exception note from Rizieq Shihab and his team of attorneys. So, the case of the UMMI Hospital swab test results will continue to the witness examination stage.

The next trial will be held next week or Wednesday, April 14. However, the public prosecutor has not yet revealed the names of the witnesses who will be presented in this case.

Meanwhile, Rizieq Shihab was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations and / or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number. 4 of 1984 concerning Communicable Disease Outbreaks and / or Article 216 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.