Surakarta Joglo Intersection Rail Enters The Weight Test Stage

JAKARTA - The Semarang Class I Railway Engineering Center (BTP Semarang), the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation carried out technical assistance on load test or loading test of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro plot flyover or commonly known as the Simpang Joglo flyover, Surakarta.

In this load test, it was carried out on Thursday, October 24. The Bridge Security and Road Tunnel Commission (KKJTJ) of the Ministry of Public Works (Kemen PU) also accompanied.

This 1.8 kmsp long train flyover is part of the construction of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso (10 kmsp) railway double line. In particular, the load test was carried out on the structure of the 70 m long total composite steel frame train bridge, with a principal span of 130 m and 2 short spans (approximate) along 70 m.

Director of Railway Infrastructure, Hengky Angkasawan accompanied by the Head of BTP Semarang, Rudi Pitoyo said that the preliminary data on testing showed quite good results towards the readiness of the plan to operate the elevated route.

"A static and dynamic test was carried out, it can be seen that the temporary data is in accordance with the planning document, the KKJTJ also appreciates that the construction of this bridge is in accordance with the established structure," he said in an official statement, Friday, October 25.

Member of the KKTJ of the Ministry of Public Works, Jamasri explained that this loading test was carried out to test the characteristics of the bridge structure. Weight tests are carried out by providing static and dynamic loading. Dynamic loading tests are carried out using two loading methods, namely the load is generated through a shaker and an ambient load with a running locomotive.

This time, the dynamic and static test deployed six locomotives of CC 201 (84 tons per unit) and 2 locomotives of CC 300 (90 tons per unit) weighing a total of 684 tons, which means it meets 52.6 percent of the design load of 1300 tons for an elevated single track load test, "explained Jamasri.

The results of the test were obtained in the form of a vibrational response which was then analyzed with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Experimental Model Analysis (EMA) to determine the magnitude of the natural frequency and its shape mode.

"The results of the temporary analysis show that the first mode of vertical natural frequency is 1.63 Hz, this value is higher than the planning calculation, namely 1.34 Hz which means the characteristics of the bridge are stiffer than the planning," said Jamasri.

Static load tests were carried out by positioning eight locomotives advancing from the direction of Kadipiro Station to Solo Balapan Station. The locomotive series stopped in 12 stages, position 1 on the side of St. Kadipiro, 1 full short span on the side of St. Kadipiro, 1 deadlock4 main span, 1 main span, 3 main spans, 1 full main span, 1 position on the side of St. Solo Balapan and 1 full short span on the side of St. Solo Balapan.

"The temporary data collection of dynamical and static tests is already synchronous, the maximum sequence in the middle of the main span is recorded at 27,488 mm, while the planning calculation is 32.25 mm (bridge characteristics are stiffer than the planning calculation), after this the review consultant, the KKJTJ team and the Semarang BTP have discussions for further analysis," he explained.

Construction Of Jalan Sudah Rampung

Meanwhile, the Head of BTP Semarang, Rudi Pitoyo, said that the Semarang BTP had completed the construction stage on the downstream route. Currently, a series of tests have been carried out and are being carried out so that this dual train line can be partially operational immediately.

"So far, the progress in the field is in accordance with the timeline, we have completed a Safety Assessment with the Directorate of Safety, Testing Operational Facilities in collaboration with the Railway Testing Center, then loading tests, all in order to ensure the safety and safety aspects of lanes, buildings to train operations facilities according to Permenhub Number 69 of 2018 concerning the Railway Safety Management Management System," said Rudi.

Rudi said that if later the operation of the train was able to take the flyover, this would really help accelerate the construction of the underpass below. The construction of the Joglo Simpang Train flyover as well as the arrangement of the surrounding area is a concrete solution for the Government to unravel the density at the Surakarta intersection.

"We want the movement of the people of Solo Raya to be smoother, productive, there is no need for traffic jams anymore because here the meeting point of 7 (seven) road intersections (2 national roads, 2 provincial roads, city roads and environmental roads) with active rail lines leading to Semarang and heading to Adi Soemarmo Airport," he said.

"We are very grateful for the support of the people of Solo Raya who are willing to play, adjust the traffic flow during this development," he concluded.