The Chief Of Police's Promise To Complete The Unlawful Killing Case Of FPI Troops

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, almost kept his promise to thoroughly investigate the unlawful killing case against the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) troops. This is because in this case three members of Jakarta Metro Police have been named as suspects.

Head of Public Information Bureau, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that the reported status of the accused was upgraded to become suspects based on the results of the case title. The investigators think that they are proven to have committed a criminal act.

"Last Thursday, investigators have conducted a case title against the KM 50 incident. The conclusion from the title of the case was that the status of the three reported parties was raised to become a suspect", Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono told reporters, Tuesday, April 6.

Of the three suspects, said Rusdi, one of them with the initials EPZ has died. Thus, the investigation for the suspect was stopped.

"Based on Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code, because the person concerned died, the investigation was immediately stopped", he said.

Meanwhile for the other two suspects, the investigation process continues. However, Rusdi has not yet conveyed the next steps in handling this case.

"There are two suspected members who were involved in the KM 50 incident. Therefore, our colleagues, we just wait, the task is carried out by investigators to be able to resolve the KM 50 case in a professional, transparent and accountable manner", he said.

Even though he was a suspect, this member of the Jakarta Metro Police did not undergo detention. The detention was not carried out for subjective and objective reasons from the investigator.

"No (not yet detained). We are still seeing whether the suspect is detained, investigators will continue to consider it. Investigators have subjective and objective considerations", said Brigadier General Rusdi.

On the other hand, the initiative for the two suspects in this case has not yet been disclosed. So far, only one suspect, EPZ, has been identified after he died due to a single accident.

"Later (the two suspects' initials) will be delivered", said Rusdi.

It was only conveyed that the suspects would later be charged under Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 351 of the Criminal Code.

With developments and progress in case handling, the National Police Chief will keep his promises. Although, it takes a long time.

The reason Listyo Sigit promised to solve this case was because it had become a public concern. "Regarding cases that are of public concern such as KM 50, they will immediately be resolved", said Listyo Sigit.

The settlement of the case must be carried out immediately because The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission has already assisted by submitting recommendations. Moreover, some of the evidence found during the investigation has also been submitted.

With the help or recommendations and evidence, the case should be resolved quickly. "Because there is already a recommendation from the National Human Rights Commission, so of course we have to complete it according to the recommendation", he said.

For information, 3 members of the Polda Metro Jaya were reported in the case of the unlawful killing of the FPI paramilitary shooting. This determination was based on the Police Report (LP) model A after receiving a recommendation from The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission. This report is the second in a series of cases of clashes between members of the police and the six militias of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

The police at that time were forced to shoot four members of the FPI troops. But the shooting was allegedly considered an unlawful killing because the police did not make other efforts to avoid the loss of life.