How To Watch Wife In Good And True Islam

YOGYAKARTA In married life, Islam always places the wife's position in a noble and honorable place. In fact, the way to advise a wife in Islam has also been regulated in accordance with guidance. These methods are done not only for example but for the sake of achieving the pleasure and reward of Allah SWT.

Husband as a leader and priest in the household has the right to give advice to his wife. It's just that the husband's advice to his wife must be conveyed appropriately and well. Here are some ways that can be done according to Islamic recommendations.

Rasulullah SAW teaches that husbands treat their wives well. In fact, Rasulullah said that the perfect mukmin of faith is that he is a good moral towards his wife. This is as narrated by Abu Hurairah in the following sense, quoted from the official website of Muhammadiyah.

Diwaykan oleh Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah saw berbda: Mukmin yang paling perfect faith adalah yang paing baik akhlaknya dan orang yang paling baik di antara kalian adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya terhadap istri (HR at-Tirmizi).

How to advise a wife must also be done gently and with patience. The Prophet SAW said that women cannot be straightened out immediately. This guide is as stated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, quoted from the official website of the Yogyakarta Religious Court (PA).

'Women to women well. Because women are created from twisted ribs. And the twisted ribs are on top of them. If you straighten it hard, surely you will break it. But if you let it, it will surely remain twisted. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Quoted from NU Online, in giving advice to wives, husbands must do it gently as well as inspire the heart. This means that the way that is highlighted is by prioritizing feelings.

In addition, it is also done at the right time and level. These two things can be the key to guiding the wife to better behavior. Avoid giving continuous advice because it will only damage the atmosphere.

This method can be done by husband to wife if the wife's behavior is no longer tolerable. Stay away from the wife's bed in the sense of separating from bed with the hope that the wife will introspect herself for the mistakes she made.

In Islam, this method can be done by a husband to his wife who has the potential to be nusyuz, namely a rebel attitude that does not respect the rights of the husband and does not give the wife obligations. However, Islam emphasizes caution in doing this.

Quoted from the official MUI website, the physical contact made by the husband to his wife must be based on high affection, without leaving scars and pain.

Those are some ways to advise a wife in Islam. Visit to get other interesting information.