How To Block KTPs That Are Misused By Pinjol, Follow These Steps
YOGYAKARTA - The trend of illegal online loans (pinjol) is still rife with the number of victims who are increasingly mushrooming. Those who feel they have never borrowed money suddenly get terrorized by debt collectors. Apparently, the cause is his personal data that was stolen. Well, this article will discuss how to block ID cards that are misused by loans.
Personal data such as an ID card that is misused is one of the modes of crime that is most often committed by illegal borrowers. The victim is of course the owner of an ID card who has to pay off the loan burden that he never submitted.
If you are a victim of misuse of ID cards for illegal loans and have received terror from debt collectors, you should not want to pay.
You can do a number of things as an anticipatory measure when your ID card is misused for loan. Reported by VOI, here are the steps you can apply:
You can do the following things to reduce the impact and prevent misuse of ID cards in the future.
The first step you can take is to report this abuse to the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Reports can be submitted with the following technicality:
In addition to reporting to OJK, you can also report misuse of your ID card to the local police. Provide related evidence such as notifications, proof of loan, and threatening messages.
The police will process the report and undergo further investigations and assist the legal process.
Next, you can visit the local Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil) to provide information that your ID card has been misused for loan.
Submit a request to block NIK by including evidence of abuse so that data cannot be used for the next crime.
Apart from going through the Dukcapil office, applications can also be submitted via email callcenter or WhatsApp to 08118005373.
Don't be afraid to contact an illegal loan company that has misused your ID card data. You have the right to ask them to cancel a loan on behalf of yourself and stop terrorizing.
Never want to pay a loan that you never submitted. Remember that you are a victim who has no obligation to pay off a loan debt.
After understanding that your ID card data is used for loan, then monitor financial activities regularly. Monitor bank accounts and credit reports to ensure there are no suspicious transactions.
The last step, don't forget to make a statement explaining that your ID card has been misused for loan. In addition, also prepare a copy of the police report and other evidence.
That's a review of how to block ID cards that are misused by loans. Visit to get other interesting information.