Minister Of Agriculture Amran Make Sure To Be Ready To Fight To Realize A Food Sovereign Indonesia

JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman stated that the commitment is ready to fight for Indonesia's food sovereignty, with a focus on increasing production and expanding agricultural areas.

"The President and Vice President pay great attention to the agricultural sector. Take self-sufficiency as quickly as possible, in short. I say we are ready and we are confident we can afford it," Amran said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 23.

Amran said that he and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono, who resumed their leadership at the Ministry of Agriculture, were ready to make maximum efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency.

He emphasized that this was in accordance with President Prabowo's direction in the 2024-2029 Red and White Cabinet.

The reason is, Indonesia must be able to achieve food sovereignty in order to reduce dependence on imports of foodstuffs.

"Under the leadership of the President, we are committed to realizing the ideals of a food sovereign Indonesia," he said.

The Minister of Agriculture revealed that currently it is a golden momentum to run a sustainable Ministry of Agriculture program.

This is an extraordinary gift and sustenance. In 50 to 100 years there are not necessarily the highest leaders like this. The most fundamental, this is sustainable. This is a golden momentum. We do our best for our nation," he said.

Minister of Agriculture Amran explained that food self-sufficiency can be achieved again with real and sustainable programs from the previous leadership period. One of them is a rice field printing program that encourages the transformation of agriculture from traditional to modern, mechanized, and capacity building of young farmers.

"We have taken action, we have moved. Currently we are chasing 40 thousand hectares in Merauke. The previous Ministry of Agriculture's budget was Rp. 6.9 trillion to Rp. 30 trillion for quick wins, and was promised to be Rp. 68 trillion," he explained.

Therefore, the Minister of Agriculture Amran encouraged the ranks of the Ministry of Agriculture to work together and coordinate.

"Mr. President advised us to synergize with each other, collaborate, and love each other. We are fighting together to realize this big idea," said Amran.