The National Police Chief Issues A Media Ban Show Police Arrogance, This Is The Complete Contents
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has published a secret telegram (STR) about the prohibition for the media to display or broadcast the arrogance of the police officers' efforts and actions.
The order registered with the number ST / 750 / IV / HUM.3.4.5. / 2021 was signed by the Head of Public Relations Division, Inspector General Argo Yuwono on behalf of the National Police Chief. This STR is a direction (Jukrah) for all levels of the police.
Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, who was confirmed regarding the STR, confirmed it. But the STR is said to be devoted to the field of Public Relations at all levels of the Police.
"STR is aimed at the head of public relations, it is a directive and direction from the Headquarters to the region, only for internal purposes," said Brigadier General Rusdi.
According to him, the STR was issued to improve the performance of the National Police. That way, the Police, especially in the field of public relations, will be more professional.
"The consideration is that the regional police's performance will get better," he said.
The following contains 10 restrictions for media issued by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo;
1. The media are prohibited from broadcasting police efforts / actions that display arrogance and violence. Then he was advised to show strict but humanist police activities
2. Failure to present the recording of the police interrogation process and the investigation of the criminal suspect.
3. Not showing details of the reconstruction carried out by the police.
4. Not reporting in detail the re-investigation of the crime even though it is sourced from an authorized police official and / or court facts.
5. Do not broadcast reconstructions of rape and / or sexual crimes.
6. Disguise the faces and identities of victims of sexual crimes and their later families as well as the alleged perpetrators of sexual crimes and their families.
7. Not displaying explicit and detailed scenes and / or reconstructions of suicide and conveying the identity of the perpetrator.
8. Not showing scenes of brawls or fights in detail and repeatedly.
9. In an effort to arrest the perpetrator of the crime so as not to bring the media, then it may not be broadcast live and the documentation is carried out by competent INP personnel.
10. Does not provide an explicit and detailed description of how to create and activate explosives.