DPR Members Complain Batik Air To The Ministry Of Transportation: It Hurts Your Stomach To Change Flight Schedules

JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR from the PDIP faction, Herson Mayulu, urged the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) to reprimand the airline Batik Air for frequently changing flight schedules at will.

Herson admitted that he had used Batik Air flight services five times, but the flight schedule was always pushed forward and even canceled.

"I have been fooled by this company (Batik Air, red) several times, changing flight schedules at will. Even though we are adjusting to activities in the DPR and the regions. This must be a warning," said Herson during a hearing (RDP) meeting with the Director General of Sea Transportation. and Air Ministry of Transportation at Commission V DPR, Tuesday, April 6.

In addition, according to Herson, the Batik Air airline began to be less strict in implementing health protocols. He said, many passengers were crowded. He also compared with Garuda Indonesia airline services.

"I salute Garuda Indonesia with its health protocol being strictly enforced. Batik Air often delays schedules and health protocols are worrying," said Herson.

In line with Herson, a member of Commission V DPR from the Gerindra Sudewo faction, also experienced a similar problem when he wanted to visit the electoral district using Batik Air.

"I also feel in Semarang, sir," said Sudewo.

According to information, said Sudewo, Batik Air was experiencing internal management problems. Even the pilot to the office boy of Batik Air held a demonstration.

Therefore, he asked the Ministry of Transportation to monitor the Batik Air problem so that it would not affect passenger services. Especially those related to aviation security.

"We are worried that this could extend to the maintenance management. This could be dangerous," said Sudewo.

Regarding complaints from members of Commission V of the DPR, Director General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Novie Riyanto did not comment much. Novie actually responded to the question of passenger service related to the implementation of the health program during the pandemic.

He said that the limitation on the number of passengers was the right of each airline. Because currently, the Ministry of Transportation and international regulations do not regulate restrictions on the number of aircraft passengers. Such as the reduction in passengers applied by Garuda Indonesia.

"They do not impose restrictions because the filtering to enter the airport is very strict," said Novie.

However, aircraft are already using HEPA technology. Namely, a device to filter the air inside the aircraft cabin can filter out bacteria and viruses.

Novie admitted, there was still frequent jostling during the process of getting on and off passengers onto the plane. However, he said, the Ministry of Transportation always cooperates with airport operators and airlines to make adjustments.

"For example, using a bus from the terminal to the plane, there is no HEPA. We admonish them that they can adjust and have SOPs, obviously not to get passengers on and off together," said Novie.