MBG Trial In Tarakan City Targets 1,000 Students

TARAKAN Setelah sukses melaksanakan similasi Program Makan Bergizi Gratis (MBG) di Kabupaten Malinau, kini Pjs. Gubernur Kalimantan Utara (Kaltara), Togap Simangunsong, melanjutkan uji coba program MBG di Kota Tarakan.

Pjs visit. Governor Togap accompanied by Acting Mayor of Tarakan, Bustan, the trial of the Free Nutrition Food program was quite lively and warm by students of State Elementary School (SD) 045, East Tarakan District, Binalatung, Amal Beach at the end of last week.

Togap said that the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) trial launched by the Prabowo-Gibran pair would be officially tested in Kaltara province.

"This program is Mr. Prabowo and Gibran's flagship program as the first program to reach the 2045 golden generation," said Togap, Tuesday, October 22.

He said this program is very important because with complete nutritional intake, the current generation will grow healthy and intelligent, will be able to support the development of the country in the future.

Acting Governor Togap hopes that the success of this program trial can encourage economic growth in the vicinity. Involve various sectors of field such as agriculture, breeders, and fishermen.

"The North Kalimantan Provincial Government, especially the Tarakan City Government, is committed to the success of this program so that our children can grow up, by drinking milk and nutritious food, it will be smart towards Indonesia Gold in 2045," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Mayor of Tarakan, Bustan, strongly supports the trial of this program.

According to him, the success of this trial was due to cooperation and synergy by the Tarakan City Social Service, TP-PKK and various agencies that also supported it.

"If we prepare a budget for now, we will prepare Rp. 20 million and this is submitted to the facilitator to coordinate several components that help with this implementation," he said.

"Trials are centered at SD Negeri 045, related to stunting priorities that East Tarakan is slightly more than 3 other sub-districts in Tarakan city. A total of 1,000 students were gathered from SD Negeri 016 Pantai Amal and SD Negeri 023 Tanjung Batu," said Bustan.