Bareskrim Unloads Syndicate Of Subsidized LPG Gas Usage In Meruya, West Jakarta
JAKARTA - The Team of the Directorate of Certain Crimes (Dittipiter), Bareskrim Polri, revealed the LPG gas mixing syndicate. There are three locations where the gas is mixed.
Kasubdit I Dittipidter Bareskrim Polri Kombes Muhammad Zulkarnain said the three locations used for mixing subsidized LPG gas are in Meruya, West Jakarta. The mode used to move the gas from the 3 kilogram gas cylinder to 12 kilograms.
"At the moment there are 3 TKPs in Meruya. In the case of misuse of gas subsidized from 3 kilograms to 12 kilograms," Zulkarnain told reporters, Tuesday, April 6.
The syndicate that consumes subsidized LPG gas has been in action since 2018. Two people have been named as suspects.
"From these 3 crime scenes, we identified 2 suspects with the initials DF and T," he said.
"From their activities, they admit that they have carried out activities from 2018 and of course we will examine this information again, both with the surrounding community and with other witnesses," continued Zulkarnain.
From this mixing action, the loss reached IDR 7 billion. "The 12 kilograms are Rp140 thousand. While the 3 kilograms are Rp17 thousand at the base they buy. So one blue tube is filled with 4 tubes of melons," he said.
The police confiscated evidence in the form of 1,372 3 kg gas cylinders, 307 12 kg gas cylinders, 100 regulator hoses and a vehicle.
The suspect is subject to Article 8 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and Article 53 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas.