According To The Study: Husband Is Diligent In Exercising, His Wife's Mental Health Is Better

JAKARTA - In a couple's life, husband and wife show each other's causes and effects. If one of them has a healthy lifestyle, it will affect the health of the couple.

A study conducted at Yale found that wives whose husbands engaged in more physical activity or exercise did not experience depression. In their study, the researchers focused on aging couples.

The results found that more exercise was more likely to experience mental well-being in men. Although the same correlation was not found for women, the mental health of large wives was influenced by their husbands who routinely exercised.

Reporting from Yale News, Tuesday, April 6, Joan Monin, a researcher and professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health in an article in Annals of Behavioral Medicine said about her study.

"There is a lot of research showing that physical activity predicts mental and physical health, and especially as we get older," says Monin.

Monin added further, "But many elderly people marry and live with their partners, and their behavior and partners tend to influence each other."

Janet Currie, director of the Center for Health and Wellbeing at Princeton, found the study very innovative. Because so far there has been no research that explores the effects of exercise other than on personal health.

Based on a theory more traced through previous studies finding that exercise can increase blood flow. Thus the mental well-being of men and women will be better regardless of whether they are paired or not.

Monin as the main researcher strengthens the study's argument that the healthier the husband, the wife does not show and experience symptoms of depression. William Satarino, professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health says that Monin's argument makes perfect sense.

"Maybe someone has better physical and cognitive health. Therefore, they contribute to creating a healthier environment in a broad definition so that their partners live in a happier environment, ”said Satarino.

Does your partner exercise regularly and be more physically active? Based on the research studies above, if you have a partner who regularly exercises, it will have a positive effect. Although you personally also need exercise to stay healthy.

This means that the relationship between husband and wife affects each other, especially in terms of both mental and physical health. So, discuss and plan the welfare of life together until you get old.