Rizieq's Session Continues To Investigate Witnesses, Lawyer: We Will Fight

JAKARTA - Habib Rizieq Shihab's exception was rejected by the panel of judges over the crowd case in Petamburan and Megamendung. Then the trial was continued by examining the case witnesses accused by the public prosecutor.

Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Aziz Yanuar, said he had suspected this. For that, the team of lawyers will continue to fight for justice.

"Actually, we had expected it and no problem. We will continue. We are here to try, fight, we don't care about the result because winning is when we stick to the truth itself," Aziz told reporters, Tuesday, April 6.

Azis said that he would welcome all witnesses presented by the prosecutor. For example, former Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto to DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Liputo.

He emphasized that the team of lawyers will prepare a number of questions that will reveal the real facts.

"We'll prepare the questions later," he said.

On the other hand, Aziz also said that he had prepared witnesses to mitigate this case. But he did not want to specify the identity of the witness to be presented.

"The witness is the fact that was present there at that time," said Aziz.

For information, the panel of judges rejected the exception of crowd cases and violations of health protocols in Petamburan and Megamendung. Thus, the trial of these two cases continued to the agenda of examining witnesses.

The public prosecutor (JPU) plans to present 11 witnesses in the follow-up trial of the two cases. Some of the witnesses who will be presented are the former Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief to the Mayor of Central Jakarta.

"(Witnesses to be presented) Heru Novinato (former Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police), Bayu Meghantara (Mayor of Central Jakarta), and Safrin Liputo (Kadishub DKI Jakarta," said the prosecutor.

Meanwhile, the other 8 witnesses did not come from state officials. It is suspected that they were the ones who had banned events that would create crowds.

"(Other witnesses) Oka setiawan, Jecky M Aveno, Budi cahyono, M Soleh, Rianto Sulistyo, Rusdian, Sabda Kurnianto, and Erikson T.," said the prosecutor.