Guidelines For The 2021 Ramadan Worship, Including Breaking The Fast Together And Eid Prayers

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has published a circular regarding Guidelines for Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1442 Hijriah or 2021 AD. Given the fasting month, this year is still in the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The circular was signed by the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, today, Tuesday, April 6.

This circular of the Minister of Religion is addressed to the Head of the Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religion, the Chairperson of the National Amil Zakat Agency, the Head of Regency / City Kankemenag, and Heads of Technical Implementing Units (UPT) throughout Indonesia, as well as the Management and Management of Mosques and Mushala.

“This Circular aims to provide guidance for worship that is in line with health protocols. At the same time, to prevent, reduce the spread and protect the public from the risk of COVID-19", said Indonesian Minister of Religion Gus Yaqut in a press statement, Tuesday, April 6.

He explained that this circular letter covers various religious activities that are stipulated in the month of Ramadan.

"And done together or involving many people", he said.

The guidelines written in Circular Letter No. 03 of 2021 are as follows;

1. Muslims, except for those who are sick or for other justifiable syar'i reasons, are obliged to observe Ramadan fasting by sharia law and religious practices prescribed by religion;

2. Sahur and breaking the fast are recommended to be done in each house with the nuclear family;

3. If the Joint Fast Breaking activity is still being carried out, it must comply with the limitation on the number of attendance to a maximum of 50% of the room capacity and avoid crowds;

4. Administrators of the mosque/prayer room can organize worship activities, including:

a. The five daily prayers, tarawih, and witir prayers, Qur'anic tadarus, and i'tikaf with a maximum attendance limit of 50% of the capacity of the mosque/musholla by implementing strict health protocols, maintaining a safe distance of 1 meter between congregations, and each congregation carrying their own prayer rug/mukena;

b. Recitation / Lecture / Taushiyah / Kultum Ramadan and Fajr Lecture, the longest with a duration of 15 minutes.

c. The commemoration of Nuzulul Quran in mosques/prayer rooms is carried out with a limit on the number of audiences to a maximum of 50% of the room capacity with strict application of health protocols;

5. Administrators and managers of the mosque/musholla as number 4 must appoint officers who ensure the implementation of health protocols and announce to all congregations, such as regularly disinfecting, providing handwashing facilities at the entrance to the mosque/prayer room, wearing masks, keeping a distance. safe, and each congregation brings their own prayer mat/mukena;

6. Commemoration of Nuzulul Quran which is held inside or outside the building, must observe strict health protocols and the number of audiences is not more than 50% of the capacity of the place/field;

7. Covid-19 vaccination can be carried out in the month of Ramadan based on the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Law of Vaccination for COVID-19 while Fasting, and the results of the fatwa decisions of other Islamic organizations;

8. The activities of collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and shadaqah (ZIS) as well as zakat fitrah by the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the Amil Zakat Institute (LAZ) are carried out by observing health protocols and avoiding crowds;

9. In carrying out worship and da'wah in the month of Ramadan, all Muslims and preachers / religious preachers are required to maintain ukhuwwah Islamiyah, ukhuwwah wathaniyah, and ukhuwwah basyariyah, and not to dispute the issue of khilafiyah which can disturb the unity of the ummah.

10. The preachers of religion are expected to play a role in strengthening the values of faith, piety, akhlaqul karimah, the benefit of the people, and national values in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia through appropriate and wise preaching language by the guidance of the Koran and Sunnah;

11. Eid Al-Fitr prayers 1 Syawal 1442 H / 2021 M can be held in mosques or open fields with strict attention to health protocols, unless the development of COVID-19 is getting negative (has increased) based on the announcement of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 for the entire region state or local government in their respective regions.