Preventing COVID-19, The Governor Of DIY Extends Micro-Based PPKM Starting Today

JAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X has extended the implementation of restrictions on micro-based community activities (PPKM) in his area until April 19, 2021.

The extension is contained in the Governor's Instruction Number 10/INSTR/2021 regarding the extension of PPKM in the Special Region of Yogyakarta which was signed by Sultan HB X on Monday, April 5.

"This governor's instruction will take effect from April 6, 2021 to April 19, 2021", said the Sultan.

According to Sultan, the extension of the Micro PPKM must be done to prevent the fluctuation of the increase in cases in DIY.

"If it is not extended, the others will still be red, later when they leave (PPKM) all regions will go down, Yogyakarta will still be red", he said.

Through the ingub aimed at regents and mayors in DIY, Sultan HB X asked for the implementation of PPKM Mikro to the level of neighborhood (RT/RW) that has the potential for COVID-19.

As with the previous rules, PPKM Mikro was still applied by considering the zoning of control areas up to the RT level which were classified into green, yellow, orange, and red zones.

By extending the Micro PPKM, the Sultan hopes that he can still control the mobility of the community.

"It is better to continue with the hope that people can control mobility", he said.