Johanis Tanak Yakin Kortas Tipikor Polri Bisa Synergi Dengan KPK Dan Kejagung

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Johanis Tanak believes that the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortas) of the National Police can synergize with his institution and the Attorney General's Office (AGO). Thus, eradicating corruption can be maximized in the future.

"Even if now they separate the Corruption Directorate from the Criminal Investigation Unit and form a Corruption Corps, maybe they will feel better, can focus more, and can be more effective in handling corruption cases and be more synergized with the Prosecutor's Office and the KPK," Johanis told reporters in a written statement, Friday, October 18.

Johanis said that efforts to eradicate corruption must be carried out by many parties. Moreover, this white collar crime is increasingly rampant.

"Hopefully, with the establishment of the National Police Corruption Corps, the handling of corruption cases will get better," he said.

"For that we must not be too pessimistic and negative in responding to this," continued Johanis.

As previously reported, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the formation of the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortas) was an effort to maximize the prosecution of perpetrators of corruption in Indonesia. This step is also a form of synergy with other agencies such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Prosecutor's Office.

"Part of the efforts of the National Police to work together with other institutions, in this case the KPK and the prosecutor's office, to be able to optimize the eradication of criminal acts of corruption," Sigit told reporters, Friday, October 18.

Kortas Corruption is also not limited to prosecution, but there are prevention and education efforts. Thus, in this way it is hoped that corrupt actions can be prevented from the 'root of grass'.

"Where in this context the Directorate of Prevention is added. Then, the Directorate of Education and the Directorate of Search and Asset Security," he said.