6 GAMESED 2024 Winners Announced

JAKARTA - GAMESEED, the biggest developer game competition in Indonesia, which is open to all platforms and for all developers, has held the GAMESEED 2024 competition and announced the winners.

Awarding for the winners was carried out in The Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX) on October 10-12 2024 in Bali. GAMESEED is organized by the Indonesian Game Association (AGI) and Indonesia's Indie Games Group.

GAMESED 2024 is fully supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Tencent and Garena. This competition competes for 6 winning positions and cash totaling one hundred million Rupiah and access to the Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX) including transportation and accommodation for the full 5 days. This makes GAMESED 2024 a game developer competition with the biggest prize compared to other game competitions.

Deputy for Digital Economy and Creative Products, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Neil Hilman said, GAMESEED is a collaboration program between game industry stakeholders as a form of implementation of Presidential Decree 19/2024 concerning the Acceleration of National Game Industry Development.

"We appreciate the success of the GAMESEED 2024 program and the extraordinary enthusiasm of the many participants who participated in this program. This shows that the national game industry is heading towards a better direction. Therefore, the government will continue to support game developers in order to produce games that are not only able to compete in the national arena but also globally," said Nial, in his statement, Friday, October 18.

GAMESED 2024 is the second year of competition for game developers in Indonesia. This year, GAMESED 2024 was attended by 324 teams consisting of 1176 participants who produced 188 games in the 2024 GAMESED competition.

Of these, 6 winners have been selected, namely the Public Participants Category (Best Game Winners): (1) Glenrosa from Bobokon Studio, (2) Fourchard from FromHome Games, (3) Last Gardeners of Babylon from Nightvelon and the Student Participants Category (Best Rookie Game Winners): (1) Farm by Day Fight by Night from Trident Dev, (2) Pawemic from Apahayo, (3) Maru & the Bear from EtherKoi.

The Chief Executive of Game Seed 2024, Wafi Harowa said, the purpose of organizing GAMESEED is to attract, inspire and at the same time find new talents in the game industry in the country.

"We are grateful that the greater interest of Indonesian talents is in the game industry. This is evident from the increasing number of GAMESEED participants. In this second year, participants jumped almost 3 times from participants last year. The resulting game is also getting more creative. This encourages us to also expand the platform, target participants, objectives, content to the amount of prizes being contested," said Wafi.

Furthermore, Wafi said, this year participants can come from the public (in this case professional developers) and students. His party challenged participants to make products as attractive as possible with a focus on product quality, in the SEED theme.

"The game platform can come from PC, Car and Web. GAMESEED this year started from kick off on August 5 at the office of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mr. Sandiaga Uno. Participants only have 3 weeks to create a game from scratch. Of course, the GAMESEED team also provides a workshop to improve the expertise of these developer games. After seeing the results, we are proud to be able to bring 6 winners to receive awards at the The Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX) today., "he explained.

Winners have met the quality aspect of the assessment, namely: 1) Design: game concept and design2) Visual: interesting visual concepts and implementations3) Audio: immersive audio 4) Polish: smooth and stunning implementation5) Intuitive: intuitive when played by gamers6) Innovation: innovative use of themes and concepts

The judges carried out six assessment points, Eka Pramudita (Mojiken), Yodi Pramudito (Tamatin), Kristian Utomo (Stairway Games).

"What's interesting about GAMESED 2024 this time is that the winners had the opportunity to showcasing their games in the biggest accelerator forum that collected game industry players such as game developers, world-class investors and mentors, The Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX). The accelerator forum, which was initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Game Association, aims to improve the ability of developer games in Indonesia as well as provide access to financing and cooperation through various programs such as the IGDX Bootcamp, IGDX Academy, IGDX Career, IGDX Business and IGDX Conference," added Wafi.

President of the Indonesian Game Association, Shafiq Hussein said his vision for GAMESEED is to be an entry point for potential game developers to join the industry and establish a new game studio.

"After joining GAMESEED, there are various programs they can follow to further pursue their goals in developing their new studios, from the ER to international events such as the Tokyo Game Show, Gamescom Asia, and Game Developer Conference in the United States," said Shafiq.

Garena Indonesia Country Head, Hans Kurniadi Saleh expressed his appreciation for the implementation of GAMESEED 2024.

"Garena supports GAMESEED as an effort to develop the game industry in Indonesia by providing a platform for local developers to express their creativity and skills. This event allows them to build connections with professionals in the game industry and open up greater collaboration opportunities. This support is part of Garena's commitment to continue to contribute to the development of the local game ecosystem in a sustainable manner towards the global arena," said Hans.