ID FOOD Has Salurkan 8.6 Million Food Assistance Packages For Completion Of Stunting 2024

JAKARTA - ID FOOD has realized the distribution of 8.6 million packages of stunting reduction food throughout 2024. This number is in accordance with the distribution target assigned by the National Food Agency to ID FOOD.

ID FOOD President Director Sis Apik Wijayanto said that with 100 percent of the distribution of stunting food assistance this year, it means that ID FOOD has succeeded in carrying out government assignments related to food and nutrition security according to the target for two consecutive years.

The ID FOOD contribution in this program began in 2023. In total, ID FOOD has distributed more than 15 million stunting food aid packages in the second consecutive year," he said in an official statement, Friday, October 18.

Throughout 2024, Sis Apik said that all aid packages consisting of 1 kg of chicken meat and 10 chicken eggs were distributed to 1.4 million Stunting Risk Families (KRS) as a beneficiary group.

"1.4 million KRS are spread across 7 provinces, namely North Sumatra, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)," he said.

Sis Apik said that the distribution of stunting assistance was carried out in two stages proportionally to targeting recipients in urban areas to 3T areas, according to KRS data obtained from BKKBN.

In detail, for North Sumatra there are 137,000 recipients (KRS), Banten 92,000 KRS, West Java 403,000 KRS, Central Java 345,000 KRS, East Java 374,000 KRS, West Sulawesi 20,000 KRS, and NTT 73,000 KRS.

Each KRS gets assistance three times in each stage, or six times in one year. With periodic animal protein intake for children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, it is hoped that it can reduce the potential for stunting in the future," he explained.

The success of all distribution of food aid packages, according to Sis Apik, cannot be separated from the support of stakeholders from the relevant ministries and institutions, local governments and the food and agricultural security offices, banks, associations, cooperatives, farmer partners, and transporters who spearhead the distribution.

To accelerate the realization, ID FOOD has also deployed three of its subsidiaries, namely PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI), PT Berdikari, and PT Rajawali Nusindo which serve as providers of chicken eggs and chicken meat products.

This year ID FOOD also collaborates with PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or BTN in cooperation in supporting stunting prevention prevention, so that there is an acceleration of distribution realization. Banking support is also very important in this program," he explained.

Furthermore, Sis Apik said, to appreciate the contribution of stakeholders in the success of this program, ID FOOD collaborated with the National Food Agency and BTN, to hold an Appreciation Night Program for the Distribution of 2024 Stunting Completion Food Assistance.

On the night of the appreciation, appreciation was given to the Province/Region of Food Aid Distributors, Best Supply, KRS Representatives, Public Service Obligation (PSO) Hero, Transporters given to PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) and PT BGR Logistics Indonesia, as well as the Association represented by the Indonesian People's Budget Association (Pinsar) and the National Ungas Breeder Community (KPUN). The appreciation was given directly by the Head of the National Food Agency as the institution that became the initiator of the program.

Through this appreciation activity, we want to invite the public and stakeholders to collaborate hand in hand in hand in efforts to eradicate stunting in Indonesia. ID FOOD is ready to continue to contribute to supporting the government in the important task of stunting eradication in Indonesia. For a better successor to the nation," said Sis Apik.

Meanwhile, the Main Secretary of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Sarwo Edhy appreciated the collaboration that was built to make this program a success. According to him, banking funding support can have a significant impact on the implementation of the food assistance program run by ID FOOD.

This good step can maintain the fulfillment of food needs and community nutrition, especially families of stunting risk. This will certainly contribute to strengthening food security," he explained.

In the future, the implementation of this stunting management program can continue to be improved. Given that this program is strategic, both in terms of meeting the nutritional needs of the community, especially to prepare the next generation, as well as a form of downstreaming of livestock production, so that it can help maintain the stability of chicken eggs and chicken meat at the farmer level.

Sarwo said that this stunting management program would be massive and effective if cross-sectoral collaboration could be carried out more broadly, so that it could cover various aspects, both in terms of funding, regulation, and production.