KPK Notes For Anies Baswedan: DKI Good Government Governance Decreased By 76 Percent

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said that the indicators of good regional governance in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government have decreased compared to 2019.

If in 2019, Jakarta gets 91 percent this year the figure has decreased to 76 percent.

This was conveyed by Alex at the Integrated Corruption Prevention Program Coordination Meeting in DKI Jakarta Province, at the Jakarta City Hall Pattern Room, Monday, April 5. The meeting was attended by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and his staff.

"There are three areas of intervention that need the attention of the DKI Provincial Government, namely PBJ, regional tax optimization, and regional asset management," said Alex in a written statement received by journalists, Monday, April 5.

There are seven indicators that are intervening in the governance of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, namely APBD Planning and Budgeting, Goods and Services Procurement (PBJ), One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP), Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP), ASN Management, Regional Tax Optimization, and Asset or Regional Property Management (BMD). These seven focus areas are covered in the Monitoring Center for Prevention (MCP) application.

Regarding PBJ, said Alex, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government needs to pay serious attention. This is because the majority of corruption cases in local governments are closely related to PBJ.

One example is the findings of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) regarding alleged irregularities in the procurement of the Digital Velvet System for Fiscal Year 2013 by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office. Through these findings, there is a potential overpriced price of IDR 12.23 billion.

Due to this condition, the Judicial Review decision on December 2, 2019 ordered the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to pay the contract value of Rp.47.8 billion plus an interest of 1.08 percent each month and pay losses for potential lost profits due to late contract payment of Rp. 2 billion.

Meanwhile, regarding the optimization of local taxes, Alex asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to encourage tax receivable collection intensively and if necessary cooperate with other parties.

Regarding asset management, the KPK highlighted the low level of asset certification efforts in DKI Jakarta compared to the amount of land it owns. KPK data per 2020 show that the total land assets of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government reached 6,890 plots, where the number of land that had been certified in early 2020 was 3,368 plots or only 48.88 percent.

Therefore, Alex encourages the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to significantly increase its asset certification efforts. The KPK, he said, really hopes that irregularities related to land problems will not occur again in DKI Jakarta, such as land in the Cengkareng area and land belonging to the Regional Company (PD) Sarana Jaya.

Apart from that, Alex made some additional points. First, he appreciated the DKI Provincial Government's achievement in billing for Infrastructure, Facilities and Utilities (PSU) of IDR 23.5 trillion. This achievement was the highest national achievement and contributed 77.37 percent to the total national PSU billing.

Second, to encourage the planned extension of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PAM Jaya and PT Aetra which ends in 2023 not to be implemented. The KPK encourages the water management to be carried out by PAM Jaya.

Third, the KPK encourages irregularities in the tax audit carried out by the DKI Jakarta Regional Income Agency (Bapenda) tax audit team to be resolved in accordance with the provisions and parties who commit irregularities are given sanctions according to the rules.

Fourth, the KPK encourages the digitalization of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) payments to make it easier for people to pay their obligations. Fifth, the KPK asks the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to solve the problem of cutting incentives for health workers (health workers) in a number of hospitals, then imposes heavy sanctions on the parties involved and protects the health workers who are victims.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his gratitude for the input and recommendations of the KPK regarding the integrated corruption prevention program in the region.

Anies emphasized that his party will follow up on KPK's recommendations and will try to make improvements to increase the achievement of MCP 2021 so that it is higher than the achievement of MCP 2020. In addition, Anies asked the KPK to oversee and synergize with his party in order to improve governance within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.