NTT's Fierce Flood Disaster Makes Dozens Of Villages Isolated

JAKARTA - The flood disaster in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) left 6 villages in Malacca Regency isolated. The floods cut off the bridge on the river.

"In Malacca District, there are 6 villages, the river's bridge has broken," NTT Deputy Governor Josef A Nae Soi told reporters, Monday, April 5.

Meanwhile, on the island of Adonara, East Flores Regency, there are 6 isolated villages. The cause is landslide roads.

"Then in Sabu Raijua, there are 6 sub-districts that are isolated because the road has broken and the bridge has broken," continued Josef Nae Soi.

Regarding these isolated areas, Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo emphasized that he would deploy helicopters to carry aid.

"So to provide food and drink assistance and also other basic needs, we will prioritize it by helicopter. While 3 units have already been moved to the NTT region, if later for example they are still lacking or need more assistance, BNPB will prepare again, including later from TNI Headquarters and also from Police Headquarters which we hope can also send helicopters to provide assistance, "he said. Doni Monardo.

He said the disaster emergency response period in NTT was enforced for 2 weeks. Later this emergency period can be extended as needed.

"Then towards the end of the emergency response, it could be extended again with an emergency transition. So this is a legal umbrella for financial managers, both at the central and regional levels, on the basis of the status determined by the leaders in the regions, "continued Doni Monardo.

Doni confirmed that currently the joint team was also prioritizing the search for missing victims. From the latest data, there are still 71 people missing.

"This search must be a priority for all of us. Searching both manually and using equipment must of course complement each other. If equipment such as excavators are not yet available, we hope that manual capability can be used to use TNI-Polri personnel, national SAR agencies in the regions, including volunteers and the community who have joined at some of these points, "said Doni. Monardo.