Homecoming Rules Are Still Confusing, DPR: Don't Ban It Then Opening Tomorrow

JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR/Parliament Sungkono asked the government to think carefully about the policy to prohibit going home. According to him, the public needs an explanation regarding the policy to prohibit Eid homecoming.

"Don't ban it today, then it will be opened again tomorrow. People must also be given awareness to choose the Eid homecoming, whether it is urgent or not", said Sungkono, Monday, April 5.

He said, the government also needs to increase public awareness regarding the urgency of this year's Eid homecoming amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has not subsided.

According to the PAN politician, the public must be given an understanding that the homecoming ban is an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

"It really has to become the awareness of the public at large", he reminded.

Sungkono, a legislator from East Java, assessed that if the reason is a matter of worship, according to him, it can be done anywhere.

"Religious matters, right, can be done anywhere. If you apologize to your family too, right, you can do it in other ways, virtual, video call", said Sungkono.

Previously, the government, through the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) on March 26, 2021, officially banned Eid homecoming from 6 to 17 May 2021.

The policy to prohibit going home is an effort to prevent an increase in positive cases of COVID-19. Reflecting on the experience of various long holidays from 2020 to 2021, the high mobility of residents between regions has an impact on a spike in positive cases of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi is still finalizing the issuance of the Minister of Transportation Regulation on Transportation Control during Eid al-Fitr 2021.