2 Days Of Zebra Operation Implementation, Polda Metro Records 768 Traffic Violations

JAKARTA - Operation Zebra Jaya has been going on for two days. It was recorded that 768 traffic violations had occurred and had been taken action.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said hundreds of violations were dealt with through ETLE or only a warning.

"The implementation of this Zebra Operation, 768 actions have been taken against violations. This means that 768 violations were found," Ade told reporters, Wednesday, October 16.

For prosecution through ETLE, it is stated that there are around 250 motorists who have been recorded as violating traffic rules. Their vehicle is automatically recorded in the data base and ticketed according to the type of violation.

"There were 250 ETLE found, then 250 sympathetic warnings were given," he said.

In addition, there are also drivers who are only given warnings and education so that they do not repeat their violations.

Ade explained that the action in the form of a warning was applied to motorists whose serious violations did not have the potential for an accident.

However, if the same driver still violates even though he has been warned, then a ticket will be applied.

"Those who are reprimanded must be people who violate, later they will be educated because maybe the violation does not have the potential to cause fatality and the victim is finally given a warning of sympathy. But it is still recorded, observed, if it repeats twice, three times it is finally ticketed," said Ade.

Meanwhile, Operation Zebra Jaya 2024 will take place from October 14 to October 27.

There are 14 operational targets in Operation Zebra this year. Here are 14 violations:

1. Installing rotators and sirens is not intended

2. Control of the ranmor using a secret plate or service plate

3. Drivers of underage motorized vehicles

4. Vehicles against the flow

5. Driving under the influence of alcohol

6. Using a cellphone while driving

7. Driving does not use a safety belt or safety belt

8. Exceeding the speed limit

9. More than one motorcycle rides

10. Four-wheeled vehicles or more unfit for roads

11. Four-wheeled vehicles or more are not equipped with standard equipment

12. Two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles are not equipped with STNK

13. Violating the road or shoulder marker

14. Diplomatic TNKB abuse.