KKP Aims For IDR 12 Trillion PNBP Remittances From The Capture Fisheries Sector In 2024

JAKARTA - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono is targeting an increase in Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of up to IDR 12 trillion from natural capture fisheries resources by 2024.

Later, the PNBP contribution will again be used by fishermen in the form of providing health insurance, accidents, and old-age insurance, development of advanced fishing villages, assistance for business facilities and diversification, and construction of fishery port infrastructure.

According to him, there are three KKP breakthrough programs from 2021 to 2024 in sustainable marine and fisheries development for welfare.

"The three programs that are our priority until 2024 are the increase in PNBP to improve fishermen's welfare, then the development of aquaculture for increased exports supported by marine and fisheries research, and the development of local wisdom-based fresh, brackish and marine aquaculture villages", he said in an official statement after opening the 2021 KKP National Coordination Meeting in Bandung, Monday, March 5.

Trenggono added, to achieve this target, the steps that must be taken together with the regional government include completing the revision of PP. 75 of 2015 concerning Types and Rates of PNBP and accelerating the completion of derivative PP No.5 of 2021 and PP.27 of 2021, as a follow-up to Law no.11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

"This effort is needed to complement the facilities and infrastructure for fishery port readiness to collect data on fish landing results", he said.

Apart from that, some issues need attention, such as the Main Actor Card for Marine and Fisheries, as well as an increase in the capacity to supervise the utilization of marine and fisheries resources through adequate surveillance technology.

For information, based on marine capture fisheries production data for the period 2019 released by the KKP, it is stated that the number of marine water commodities that have been processed has reached 6.98 million tons.

Meanwhile, the road map for the development of the marine sector by 2024 has the potential to increase by 3.05 million tons to realize the target of PNBP deposits of IDR 12 trillion to the state.

On the same occasion, KKP Inspector General Muhammad Yusuf hoped that all regions could provide input, suggestions, and opinions regarding the government's future breakthrough programs.

"In this case, the contribution of suggestions and input from the regions is very important as harmony in building the maritime and fisheries sector", he said.

The 2021 KKP National Working Meeting was attended by several ministry/agency officials, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, as well as the Provincial and District/City Marine and Fisheries Services.