Baby Sitter Gives Employers Children With Fattening Drugs, This Is The Bad Effect For Health

JAKARTA - The Baby Sitter with the initials NB in Surabaya, East Java was named a suspect due to the heart to give her employer's child a weighted drug. This baby sitter gives hard drugs to 2-year-olds to become fat.

Baby Sitter uses weighting drugs in the form of Dexamethasone and Pronicy. The suspect obtained information related to the use of deksametazon and pronicy drugs from his friend. He explained that the fatr medicine was sold freely in the marketplace.

In the market, there are two types of weighting drugs, namely Dexamethasone and Pronicy. Here are the bad effects for the body.

Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, Dexamethasone is a drug that functions to relieve inflammation in the body area. This drug is used to treat a number of different conditions, such as inflammation (swelling), severe allergies, adrenal problems, joint inflammation, asthma, blood or bone cord problems, kidney problems, skin condition, and relapse multiple sclerosis.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid (cortison-like or steroid-like drug). This drug works on the immune system to help relieve swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. Deksametazon tablets are also used in combination with other drugs to treat multiple myelomas.

Side Effects

Some of the dexamethasone side effects that users can experience are stomach pain, fever in the chest (heartburn), headache, sleep disorders, such as insomnia, appetite increases, symptoms of infection, such as sore throat or fever that does not stop, joint or bone pain, irregular heartbeats (arithmia), pain eyes, or visual impairments, such as blurred vision or seeing circles around the light source.

In addition, body weight rises drastically suddenly, swelling in the face, feet, or ankles, bleeding in the digestive tract, which can be characterized by stomach pain, black skin depletion, or black vomiting, mood swings or unnatural behavior, changes in the menstrual cycle, muscle pain or cramps, bruises or bleeding for no apparent reason, slower wound healing, skin thinning, seizures, increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which can be characterized by very thirst, or increased urination frequency, to weakening body immunity.

The impact of medical health if consuming too much Dexamethasone

In addition to the effects needed, a drug can have some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects can occur, if they occur, medical attention may be needed.

The presence of medical problems that affect the use of this drug include blood clots, cataracts, concussive heart failure, Cushing syndrome (adrenal gland problem), diabetes, eye infection, fluid retention, glaukuma, heart attack.

In addition, you can experience hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), hypertension (high blood pressure), mental health problems (for example, depression), myasthenia gravis (severe muscle weakness), osteoporosis, peptical ulcus, personality change, phenochromoismotoma, stomach or intestinal problems (for example, diverticulitis, perforation, ulserativa collitis), thyroid or tuberculosis problems.

Not only that, you can also experience fungal infections, pneumonia eye infections, or infections that reduce the body's ability to fight infections.

Reporting from the Honest Docs page, Pronicy is a drug used to treat various types of allergies. Pronicy contains siproheptadin, a drug that belongs to the first generation antihistamine group.

Cyproheptadine is a medicinal medicine that is useful as an anti-collinergic, anti-serotonergic, and local anesthetic properties. The hystamine is naturally present in the body that can produce various allergic reactions. Cyproheptadine works by inhibiting the effects of histamina so that these various allergic reactions can be reduced.

Side Effects

The most common side effects of anti-histamin class drugs including Pronicy are sedimentation, drowsiness and inhibiting psychomotors. This effect is temporary and will disappear immediately if drug use is stopped. Rare side effects such as confusion, anxiety, nervousness, tremors, seizures, and hallucinations.

Other side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches and anti-carriic effects such as urine retention, dry mouth, diarrhea, hemolithic anemia, leukopenia, agranulositosis, thrombocytopenia blurred vision, and digestive disorders.

Pronicy can increase appetite so that it can cause weight gain, useful for people who are overweight but will be detrimental to obese patients.