Ministry Of Transportation Strives To Efficiency In Issuance Of Aircraft Care Licenses

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (Ditjen Hubud) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) continues to strive to facilitate the issuance of aircraft maintenance licenses to improve personnel's capabilities and ensure better operational safety and quality standards in the aviation sector.

Head of Sub-Directorate of Aircraft Care and Operations Personnel License Directorate General of Hubud Kemenhub Win Warsono said one of the efforts made was through the socialization of aircraft maintenance certificates (PEL Online).

"This forum is expected to be a socialization event so that it can make it easier for aircraft maintenance personnel to obtain a license," Win said, quoting Antara.

The Directorate General of Hubud of the Ministry of Transportation held a public consultation forum to socialize services that issue Aircraft Care Certificates (PEL Online).

Socialization with the theme The Use of Electronic Signatures and Application-Based Barcode Readings is carried out at the Airworthiness and Air Operations Directorate Building, Tangerang.

"The implementation of online services can shorten service time," he said.

According to him, the presence of PEL Online provides convenience in the best service for flight operators, by accelerating service time, simplifying administrative processes, and creating legal certainty for excellent service.

Win further explained that at this forum, the Directorate General of Hubud also involved public elements as service recipients in the implementation of public services.

He said that the synergy and collaboration between the Directorate General of Hubud and aviation stakeholders is needed so that various public service programs can run optimally and ensure flight operations are carried out in accordance with high safety standards.

"With the involvement of all parties in this forum, it can be a place to exchange ideas in the process of increasing and developing PEL Online," said Win.

Win emphasized that the Directorate General of Hubud of the Ministry of Transportation continues to strive to improve the capabilities of aircraft maintenance personnel, in order to ensure better safety standards and operational quality in the world of aviation.

He explained that one of the efforts made to improve the capabilities of personnel in aircraft maintenance, including through the socialization of aircraft maintenance certificates (PEL Online).

"This is also expected to support the improvement of the competence of flight personnel, especially for aircraft maintenance personnel," said Win.