Drag Mark On Teenager: Cause And How To Prevent It

YOGYAKARTA Slit or stretch marks in adolescents often occur during umpteenth. This is because teenagers experience rapid growth and development so that their body size increases and affects skin conditions.

According to AI-Care, stretch marks are white or reddish strains that appear in areas that have quite a lot of fat, such as arms, stomach, and thighs.

Although not dangerous, stretch marks on teenagers can cause less confidence. Moreover, if the size is large or in an area that is easily visible.

So, what causes stretch marks in teenagers? How to deal with it? find the answer in the review below.

Stretch marks are generally caused by skin stretch and weight gains that are too fast.

In adolescents, fine wounds on the skin can appear because during menstruation, they experience an acceleration of growth. Especially if the body experiences significant body weight changes.

In addition, genetic factors also contribute to the emergence of stretch marks on the adolescent body.

Stretch marks on teens can be prevented through the following:

Meeting the body's fluid needs can keep the skin producing collagen, so that it can prevent stretch marks. This can be done by drinking enough water.

Limiting the consumption of caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee can also prevent the emergence of stretch marks in teenagers. Caffeinated drinks can make the body lose a lot of fluids so that the skin becomes drier and easier to stretch.

Exercise can maintain blood circulation in the skin and make the body produce sufficient amount of collagen. These two things can help the skin stay strong and elastic so that it is not easy to stretch marks.

Cara mencegahkan munculnya stretch mark pada remaja yang berikutnya adalah memenuhi kebutuhan nutrient kulit. hal ini penting untuk dilakukan agar kesehatan kulit tetap terjaga.

Some of the nutrients that are good for skin health, namely vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, protein, and zinc.

You can get these nutrients by eating healthy foods, such as nuts, fish, carrots, oranges, milk, broccoli, and chicken chest without skin.

That's the information about stretch marks in teenagers. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.