Preventing Indonesian Crew Members From Being Held Hostage, The Foreign Minister Promises To Strengthen Joint Security With Malaysia-Philippines

JAKARTA - Four crew members (WBK) Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were held hostage by the Abu Sayyaf terror group have returned to their families.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that with the return of the four people, 44 Indonesian citizens were recorded as victims of the Abu Sayyaf hostage-taking. Currently, no more Indonesian citizens are being hostage.

Therefore, in the future, Retno continued, the government will strengthen the aspect of prevention so that no more Indonesian ship workers will become victims of hostage-taking. Prevention is in collaboration with Malaysian and Philippine authorities.

"In the future, we must strengthen the aspect of prevention, increase security in Sabah waters by the Malaysian authorities, with of course cooperation from us and also the Philippine authorities", said Retno during the handover ceremony for Indonesian citizens to their families, Monday, April 5.

Also, said Retno, the government will increase the prudential aspect of the condition of Indonesian Indonesian fishermen who work on Malaysian ships.

"We will also communicate more intensively to ship owners in Malaysia. Of course, economic development in the area of origin is also important to continue", she explained.

Retno said the four Indonesian citizens who were detained by the Abu Sayyaf had been held hostage for 427 days or about one year and 3 months in the Philippines. The rescue efforts to return the hostages, said Retno, were inseparable from the cooperation of the security forces trying to repatriate them.

"I would like to express my very high appreciation to all parties who have helped the liberation process, especially friends from the TNI (National Armed Forces of Indonesia) and also from BIN (State Intelligence Agency)", said Retno.

Retno also appreciated the Philippine government, namely through the Western Mindanao Command which has helped cooperate in releasing hostages.

Retno congratulated the hostage victims who managed to return to their families. They are Arizal Kasta Miran (30), Arsad Bin Dahlan (41), Andi Riswanto (26) years, and Mohd Khairuldin (15).

"Congratulations to return with your family. To the mothers and fathers of the family, congratulations on gathering with these four men, who of course have been waiting for this happy moment for a long time, their release from hostage and can return with their families", said Retno.

As previously reported, Arsal, Arsad, and Andi were initially rescued by Philippine security forces on Thursday, March 18 in South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi, while Khairuldin was rescued on Sunday, March 21 on Kalupag Island.

The Indonesian hostages were separated in the middle of the sea when the ship used by the Abu Sayyaf Group to carry hostages overturned due to sea waves while avoiding the pursuit of joint operations by Philippine officials.