How To Block Vehicles Online Without The Need To Come To Samsat

YOGYAKARTA - Blocking vehicle registration that has been sold is not only an obligation as a previous vehicle owner, but also provides a number of benefits. Considered complicated, maybe you don't know how to block vehicles online.

In addition to protecting you from potential losses, blocking STNK online also saves time and energy. You no longer need to queue at the Samsat office to process documents.

Reporting from the UMSU page, the main objective of blocking STNK is to avoid the progressive tax obligations that must be borne by vehicle owners when buying new vehicles.

If you sell a vehicle but the new buyer hasn't changed the name, and you then buy a new vehicle on the same name, then you will automatically have two vehicles. This will make you subject to progressive taxes.

In addition, the vehicle blocking step also serves as a prevention of misuse of STNK by irresponsible parties, especially if the vehicle is lost.

Before continuing, also read the article that discussed Managing the Extension of the STNK, now it is getting easier, it can come from home

Reporting from the Wuling page, before blocking the STNK online, you need to prepare several required documents. Also make sure you have a photocopy of your ID card and family card that owns the vehicle, proof of buying and selling transactions, as well as the original STNK and BPKB.

In addition, don't forget to include a statement letter that can be downloaded on the local Samsat website.

Then if you appoint someone else to take care of it, also prepare a power of attorney that has been signed by a stamp and photocopy of a representative ID card

To access the STNK blocking service online in DKI Jakarta (other areas will have similarities and follow), here are some things you need to do:

You can monitor the status of the application via email or by checking the Motor Vehicle Tax column on your account. Then if there are questions or obstacles, you can contact the Jakarta Tax Halo service at 1500177.

The STNK blocking process can generally be completed in less than 2 days. After that, vehicle owners need to take care of the replacement of the BPKB which usually takes about 2 weeks or 10 working days (or can be different in each region).

It is important to know, so that the process runs faster, make sure all documents of complete requirements and confirmation from vehicle owners are given immediately.

However, if the vehicle you purchased has a tax arrears for 10 years or more, then the registration status can be deleted. Why is that?

Please note, vehicles that do not pay taxes for 2 years after the validity period of the STNK runs out can be considered a fraudulent vehicle. In other words, these vehicles cannot be used on the highway. So you should be more careful when buying a vehicle.

In addition to how to block vehicles online, follow other interesting articles too. Want to know other interesting information? Don't miss it, keep an eye on the updated news from VOI and follow all the social media accounts!