Victims Of Teacher Les Obscenity In Sleman 22 People, Police: All Men

SLEMAN - The Gamping Sector Police, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, revealed a case of alleged criminal acts of obscene acts against children or homosexuals committed by EDW, 29, a resident of Godean against 22 victims.

Kapolsek Gamping AKP Sandro Dwi Rahadian di Sleman, mengatakan awal pada Selasa, 24 September 2024, sekitar 01.00 WIB telah diketahui terjadi peristiwa perbuatan sesama jenis terhadap anak (homosexual) yang dilakukan oleh pelaku EWD di rumahnya di Gamping.

"Initially, the complainant knew about the act from witness 1 that the act was from a video that turned out to be his biological child," said Sandro Dwi.

He said the 22 victims of this sexual abuse consisted of six men aged 17-19 years, three children aged 13 years, and 13 children under five.

Due to the obscenity and association with the perpetrators during the past month, the victim experienced a change in behavior. Even every time he came home from school, the victim often did not return home, but immediately went to the perpetrator's residence.

In addition, the victim who also often did not return home at a reasonable time, and often brought rice or food from the victim's house to be taken to the crime scene or the perpetrator's house.

"For this act of attitude, the victim often dared to deny that his parents or victims experienced psychological trauma," he said.

Sandro Dwi said the perpetrator's mode was sexual deviation, while the motive for the perpetrator was to seek satisfaction.

"On the manufacture of the EDW, officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sleman Police have conducted an investigation and the suspect EDW was arrested in Gamping and detained at the Gamping Police Detention Center," he said.

He said that for EDW's actions, Article 82 paragraph (1) of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Determination of Perpu Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code or Article 292 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

"For his actions, EDW is subject to a maximum sentence of 15 years," he said.