Regency/City Government Urged To Immediately Distribute RT Head Incentive Funds

TANJUNG SELOR The district/city government in North Kalimantan (Kaltara) was urged to immediately distribute all special allowance assistance or incentive funds for the Head of RT from the Kaltara Provincial Government Budget.

Head of the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) of North Kalimantan Province, Denny Harianto, explained that the RT Chair incentive funds budgeted by the Kaltara Provincial Government were distributed in the form of special financial assistance through district/city governments.

"This means that we transfer it to the Regency/City General Cash Account (RKUD). Only after that will it be submitted to the relevant OPD, only to the recipient or each RT Head," said Denny, Thursday, October 10.

Technically, previously the Governor of Kaltara, Zainal Arifin Paliwang, had signed Decree (SK) Number which regulates the allocation of incentive funds for the Head of RT on September 3, 2024.

On the same day, the Kaltara BKAD moved quickly by transferring it to the RKUD of a number of district/city governments.

"Based on SP2D (Financial Disbursement Order) evidence to regencies/cities, we transferred them to Nunukan Regency, Bulungan Regency and Tana Tidung Regency on September 3, 2024, then for Tarakan City, we transferred them on September 10, 2024," said Denny.

"As for Malinau, we transferred it on October 3 because it was only evaluated yesterday for the Revised APBD," he continued.

He explained that the incentive funds for the Head of RT sent by the Kaltara Provincial Government through regencies/cities were for July, August and September. If accumulated, the amount that will be received by the Head of RT is IDR 1.5 million.

"It should have been distributed to each RT, because in this 10 month we had to distribute it back to October, November and December. With a record incentive fund in July, August, September, everything has been received," he explained.

He emphasized that based on the Governor of Kaltara Regulation Number 23 of 2024 concerning Procedures for Budgeting, Implementation and Entrepreneurship, Accountability and Reporting and Monitoring and Evaluation of Financial Aid Expenditures, there are points that require district/city governments to channel funds to recipients of special financial assistance no later than 7 working days after receiving transfers from local governments, in this case from the North Kalimantan Provincial Government.

"Why do I remind you, because if you look at the SP2D that we have published, it means (regencies/cities government except Malinau), it has exceeded the specified time, even though everything has a legal basis and rules," explained Denny.

"My concern is, don't let friends in regencies/cities because they are late in distributing it, it becomes a finding, as happened the previous year regarding special financial assistance as well," he explained.

From the information gathered by the Kaltara BKAD, it is known that the district/city government has not distributed RT Chair Incentive funds from the Provincial Government as a whole.

Denny even caught the impression that the distribution seemed to be done half half half.

"That's not allowed, but we don't know (the reason) yet. Therefore, I remind you again, everything must be distributed according to the number of RTs listed in the Decree of the Governor of Kaltara, there are no exceptions," he said.

Denny believes that with this special assistance allowance or incentive fund, the heads of the RT will find it helpful and more motivated to carry out their duties.

When the funds are spent, it will also stimulate the circulation of money and economic growth in the regions.

"Therefore, I emphasize that this assistance is a form of our attention to all RTs in Kaltara. That must be understood by friends (regencies/cities), so there should be no exceptions, moreover we have transferred according to the number of RT heads," he explained.

To be known together, the Kaltara Provincial Government has allocated special financial assistance or incentive funds to 2,593 RT heads spread throughout the region. Namely 801 RT heads in Bulungan Regency; 381 RT heads in Malinau Regency; 845 RT heads in Nunukan Regency; 119 RT heads in Tana Tidung Regency and 447 RT heads in Tarakan City.

The distribution of this assistance is carried out in two stages. The first stage is for July, August and September. The second stage is for October, November and December.

In each disbursement, the Head of the RT will receive Rp1.5 million which is sent through their respective bank account accounts.