Terrorism Can Arise From The Development Of Extreme Religious Interpretations

JAKARTA - Terrorism incidents can emerge as a response to perceptions of the injustice that have occurred, and are based on the understanding and interpretation of religion held by the perpetrators of spreading terror.

This was stated by the Head of the Center for Tolerance and Democracy Studies Public Virtue Research Institute (PVRI) Rodilansah Roland Gunawan, Sunday, April 4. He said that during the "Weekend (We Can) Talk" entitled "Bombs in Makassar and Shootings at National Police Headquarters: Perspective of Tolerance and Democracy", on Sunday, April 4, 2021.

"It must be admitted that terrorism can arise from the development of extreme religious interpretations. This has been around for a long time, namely through extremist views that have been spread to adherents of religion. Worse, now women are involved as perpetrators, "said Roland.

"The state has the authority to limit acts and expressions of intolerance that lead to violence, hostility and discrimination in the name of religion. However, these efforts should not harm democracy," he added.

The event, which was opened by the former Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Lukman Hakim Saifudin, presented speakers between the coordinator of the Jakarta Risalah Forum Alissa Wahid, agawaman Franz Magnis Suseno, Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brig. Pol. Rusdi Hartono, commissioner of Komnas Perempuan Alimatul Qibtiyah.

Roland added that the state has the authority to prevent hate speech which can actually trigger acts of terror such as in Makassar. However, the Government must continue to respect legal principles and human rights in taking action against those suspected of having links to radical networks.

In the same opportunity, Director of Multimedia Public Democracy Virtue Research Institute (PVRI) Ahmad Rozali said that recent terrorism incidents often originated from how perpetrators consumed materials on the internet and social media that contained violent teachings.

"We urge the public, especially the younger generation, to be able to choose and sort out the correct content from the misleading ones," he said.

: We also remind the police to be careful in carrying out their political functions through the Virtual Police. Do not let our freedom of opinion and expression continue to decline because of policing measures in the internet world. However, freedom of opinion in the online realm is also a feature of democratic society, ”Rozali added.

Still in the same place, Magnis-Suseno appealed to religious leaders to set a good example for their followers in applying religious teachings, for example in a humble manner and not using provocative sentences.

"The problem of terrorism is that the perpetrators act on behalf of what? Religion must also be able to teach humility and keep self-understanding away from pride. So religion must be humble because religion should not be scary. They must be helped to be given an understanding and understanding of God and the true religion (rehabilitation). "

Furthermore, Alissa Wahid added, a number of terrorism cases occurred due to misperceptions of injustice. Because according to him, some people who are attracted to the idea of terrorism come from the middle class who are economically well off.

He said that acts of terrorism are very likely to be born in the name of religion, because religion has a communal character and takes the name of God so that it is able to do various things that exceed its human value. He emphasized that terrorism in the name of any religion is not justified.

Meanwhile, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono regretted the existence of misinformation on social media that was misunderstood by the public, including the existence of people who thought that it was only fabrication in the midst of terrorism groups currently targeting young people, especially those born in the 1990s.

Then, Limatul Qibtiyah explained that women are part of an armed group, as seen in the context of ISIS. This situation can be caused by several factors.

First, the decline in the number of male combatants. Second, a war strategy that utilizes gender stereotypes that women do not commit violence.

Third, fulfilling psychological needs due to stress (for migrants. Fourth, the challenge of one's masculinity. These things also cannot be separated from influences such as the trend of preaching that does not teach critical thinking, resulting in identity polarization and acts of extremism.