Waiting For Two Large Clusters Of Indonesian Citizens Returning To Indonesia During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The government is facing two large clusters of returning Indonesian citizens from abroad during the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19. These two clusters consist of Indonesian citizens working in Malaysia who are affected by the lockdown, and crew members (ABK) from various cruise ships whose operations have stopped due to the spread of the corona virus.

"In terms of the number of our Indonesian citizens in Malaysia, the number exceeds 1 million. Meanwhile, the data we can collect for crew members on cruise ships are 11,838 people on 80 ships. This number may continue to move from time to time," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Foreign Minister) Retno Marsudi, in her statement, Tuesday, March 31.

Retno said that Indonesian citizens who became ABK had received assistance from the government. The government ensures that their rights are fulfilled by the companies where they work.

For Indonesian citizens from Malaysia who were affected by the lockdown, Retno said the government had also communicated with the Indonesian Consulate General (Komjen) in several areas such as Kuching and Johor Baru. The goal is to ensure that the repatriation of Indonesian citizens runs smoothly and is in accordance with the process.

In the future, the repatriated Indonesian citizens will be closely monitored for their situation at the entrance to the Indonesian border. Retno added, one of the conditions that had to be done after they arrived in Indonesia was filling out a health card and being monitored for 14 days.

"For those who show symptoms, a separate quarantine will be carried out and further handled," said Retno.

While chairing a closed meeting, President Joko Widodo alluded to a backflow of Indonesian citizens from abroad. Jokowi said that there were thousands of migrant workers who returned from Malaysia.

"We really need to pay close attention to the flow of returning Indonesian citizens from several countries, especially from Malaysia. Because this involves hundreds or millions of Indonesian citizens who will return home. I received reports of 3,000 migrant workers returning from Malaysia," Jokowi said before holding a limited meeting with the ministers broadcast on YouTube belonging to the Presidential Secretariat.

Not only anticipating migrant workers from Malaysia, Jokowi also said that there were between 10,000 and 11,000 Indonesians who worked on ship crews (ABK) abroad and would return home. So, Jokowi asked the government to carry out a screening or monitoring of citizens who would return to Indonesia.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also ordered that health protocols that have been applicable at the entrance to the country such as at ports and airports must be strictly implemented.

Indonesian citizens who enter in a healthy condition without symptoms of COVID-19, can immediately return to their territory as a person under surveillance (ODP) and undergo disciplined independent isolation.

Meanwhile, for those who were sick while crossing the border, President Jokowi asked the residents to immediately be taken to a hospital that had been prepared for treatment and isolation. The hospital called Galang Island Hospital.

"The main principle that we hold is how we protect the health of Indonesian citizens who return and protect the health of the people in the country," he said.