Riau BKSDA Installs 2 Trapped Cameras Around Tiger Footprint Findings

The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) installed two camera traps around the findings of a Sumatran tiger that reportedly appeared in Batang Duku Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency.

"Officers installed two 'camera traps' in locations where the last traces of the Sumatran tiger movement were installed around the tree where the tigers rested," said Head of the Riau BBKSDA Section, Tiga Duri in Bengkalis, Wednesday, October 9.

The team also installed warning banners, alert and tips to avoid wildlife.

His party also appealed to residents to be careful when carrying out activities in the garden towards the afternoon and morning in the area.

On September 29, 2024, his party received a report from the public regarding the emergence of the "circular".

Then BBKSDA visited the scene of the incident in Batang Support Village and coordinated with related parties and verified.

"We together with the Batang Duku Village apparatus, Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas and several people checked first to the location and met the person who sent the report to show the location of the Sumatran Tiger's track," he said.

The location of the first trace in Kenanga Hamlet, Batang Duku Village, is precisely next to the yard of a resident named Sapri's house. Around the location, it was also seen that the former animal rest area was suspected to be a place for wildlife rest.

On Tuesday (8/10), his party received information that the tiger was located around the PT SDA area. It is suspected that the tiger shifted to return to its habitat, namely in the Bukit Batu wildlife asylum area.

"In addition, PT SDA employees also saw two mothers and three tiger cubs passing through the company's area," he said