Vice President Ma'ruf Reminded Dai To Spread The Understanding Of Anti-Violence

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked preachers or preachers to carry out their roles with an open mind in the country. According to him, preachers must imitate the way of thinking of Rasulullah SAW and not participate in the narrow flow of thinking, such as the phenomenon that has emerged recently.

"A simple example of a narrow way of thinking is not believing that COVID-19 is real, or believing in conspiracy theories," said Ma'ruf Amin at a BNPB Webinar entitled 'The Role of Dai in the Deradicalization of Religious Understanding in Indonesia', Sunday, April 4. .

He emphasized that the preachers must spread the notion of non-violence. "It does not justify acts of violence, especially in the name of religion, either verbally or physically. Third, maintaining harmony and unity," he said.

Ma'ruf also assessed that preachers need to continue to teach about religious moderation in preaching. One of them is by developing a tolerant attitude.

"That is behavior that accepts and respects the existence of other people with different beliefs," he said.

Preachers, added Ma'ruf, are also required to be able to strengthen four national consensus, namely Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, a sociological frame through a socio-cultural approach and local wisdom, and a juridical frame with compliance with statutory regulations.

"Use the narrative of da'wah which is rahmatan lil alamin with manhaj which wasathi. The method of da'wah used must adapt to the diverse and pluralistic situation of Indonesian society which is able to detect early and eliminate intolerant thinking patterns, group egocentricity, and movements that lead to violence," said Ma ' ruf.