6 Diet Tips To Prevent Inflammatory, Know Limited Consumption Foods

YOGYAKARTA Choosing what is eaten, seems significant to improve health conditions. One of them is a diet preventing inflammation that has to select certain foods for consumption and must be limited. Anti-inflammatory diets actually don't have special rules. But generally, someone who is on a diet prevents inflammation from running Mediterranean and DASH diets. More specifically, look at the diet tips preventing inflammation below.

Foods with antioxidants, acting as radical barriers are free from the body. Free radicals are natural side products from the body's processes, including metabolism. Free radicals can cause cell damage. This damage increases inflammation and can cause various diseases. That's why diets prevent inflammation are suggested to focus on foods rich in antioxidants.

The Mediterranean diet focuses on consuming plant foods and healthy oil. This diet can reduce the effect of inflammation on cardiovascular systems, according to research reported by Medical News Today. While the DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet includes consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, and fats that are good for the heart.

Research shows that DASH diet can have a positive impact in reducing inflammation symptoms compared to regular diets. DASH diets can also be useful for lowering gout levels.

Inflammatory or inflammation is experienced in someone with certain diseases. Such as psoriasis, asthma, asofagitis, Cohn disease, colitis, intestinal inflammation, Hashimoto thyroidism, type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Like an endless alley, inflammation can cause or can also be the cause of certain conditions. This is why it is important to choose the right diet against inflammation.

In carrying out a diet to prevent inflammation, it is necessary to combine several types of foods. Such as choosing foods rich in nutrients, sources of antioxidants, and containing healthy fats. Foods that can help manage inflammation, including fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and cherries; vegetables include kale, spinach, and broccoli; nuts and whole grains; fiber-rich foods; olive oil; salmon; and tuna.

It is known in general that overprocessed foods will not be healthy. So in carrying out an anti-inflammatory diet, it is better to consume raw vegetables without being processed or cooked moderately. Some teas and mediates can also help fight inflammation. For probiotics and prebiotics, it also fix intestinal bacteria which can help prevent inflammation in the digestive system.

Keep in mind, the diet must also combine the type of food. If you only eat one type, it will not improve health. However, it is important to note a limited number of foods that must be consumed to prevent inflammation. For this reason, limit the consumption of processed foods, foods with additional sugar or salt, unhealthy oils, processed carbohydrates, snacks such as chips and crackers, sweet desserts such as ice cream and cakes, and avoid drinking excessive alcohol.

In addition to going through a diet to prevent inflammation, such as the tips above, it is also important to recognize foods that cause side effects. This varies from person to person, due to conditions. For example, for someone who is intolerant of gluten foods, milks, crucese vegetables, or nightosy vegetables.