Various Essential Oils To Get Rid Of Acne

JAKARTA - Acne is one of the skin problems experienced by many people, from puberty to adulthood. Because it makes it painful and uncomfortable, people with acne are busy looking for ways to get rid of it. Whatever is done as long as the skin is flawless without blemishes.

Treatments can be various, from doctor's creams, acne injections, lasers, facials, to trying dozens of skincare products with the lure of dealing with acne. Unfortunately, the results always don't match expectations. There are those that make it inflamed, the scars are hard to lose, sore, red, peeling skin, or make the skin dry and sensitive.

If you are tired of trying skincare that is sold in the market, from drugstores to high end, try switching to essential oils. But make sure the products are truly natural and of high quality. Usually, the price of a good essential oil is quite a drain on the bag but it is definitely directly proportional to the quality. Here are four choices of essential oils that are great for acne problems.

Tea tree

The essential oil from the tea tree is known to treat acne. It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that kill bacteria that cause acne.

Tea tree also has anti-inflammatory properties and is suitable for relieving inflamed and swollen pimples. How to use it can be mixed with carrier oil and rubbed directly on the pimples. Can also be added to face wash.


Frankincense oil is the best for removing acne scars. It must be quite annoying, not if the pimple is gone, but the red or black scars are still there? Well, this essential oil is just right for you to use. Does not make it dry, can moisturize the skin, soothes irritated skin, frankincense oil is a must have.

Clary sage

Clary sage essential oil is believed to inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria, balance hormones, reduce inflammation and skin irritation, and of course treat acne.

Clary Sage is also great for controlling oil production in the skin and preventing acne breakouts. You can apply this essential oil directly to acne. Can also be dripped into a diffuser to reduce stress that makes spotty.


Not only soothing and reducing anxiety, lavender oil can also help treat acne. Because lavender has antibacterial properties that are effective in eradicating acne. If you are one of those who often break out when you are stressed, lavender can also reduce anxiety and tension.