KPUPR Calls Housing Subsidy Certified Green Building Building Buildings Form A Comfortable Environment

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) revealed that subsidized housing that has a green building (BGH) certificate is able to create a comfortable environment for the community.

"The existence of subsidized housing that has a BGH certificate shows that the property sector continues to advance and develop and is able to create a comfortable environment for the community," said Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in his official statement as quoted from the official website of the Directorate General of Housing, Monday, October 7.

BGH certification involves a series of measurements and evaluations of building performance in terms of energy efficiency, resource management, use of environmentally friendly materials and technology as well as sanitation quality in building areas.

"BGH certification is given so that development can be carried out in an orderly manner and encourages the construction of building buildings that have a significant, efficient, safe, healthy, easy, comfortable, environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and water building as well as other resources," he said.

Iwan added that the housing sector and residential areas contributed positively to economic growth, both nationally and at the regional level.

However, the readiness of stakeholders to understand and support the principles of green building is also an important aspect in creating the success of implementing green building for subsidized houses for Low-Income Communities (MBR).

The green building certification is carried out in order to implement the provisions of Article 123 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings.

The government through the Minister of PUPR has stipulated the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 21 of 2022 concerning the Performance Assessment of Green Building Building Performance.

He also reminded that along with increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection, green building certification is a strategic step in supporting environmentally friendly development.

The green building building is not just a trend, but a commitment to create a healthier, more efficient and sustainable space for the community.

"With a strong commitment and collaboration, I am sure we can create a better environment in the implementation of housing development in Indonesia. Certification of green buildings as one of the pillars in sustainable development in Indonesia," said Iwan.

With the right approach, simple subsidized houses can not only be affordable residences, but can also meet the standards of green buildings.

"This certification not only acknowledges our efforts to reduce the negative impact on the environment, but also provides many benefits, both economically and socially. Environmentally friendly buildings tend to have better energy efficiency, lower operational costs and provide more comfort for their residents," he said.

Previously, the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR handed over a Green Building Certificate (BGH) for Subsidized housing, Mulia Gading Kencana (MGK) in Serang Regency, Banten Province.

The existence of BGH certification is given so that residential development can be carried out in an orderly manner and encourages the construction of buildings as one of the pillars in sustainable development in Indonesia.

Mulia Gading Kencana's housing is an example that subsidized simple houses can also be of high quality and green housing is not expensive.