Alexandra Askandar: ILUNI Chairman FEB UI Who Is Inspirational

JAKARTA - Alexandra Askandar, a figure who is familiar in the world of Indonesian banking, is now carrying out a new mandate as Chair of the Alumni Association (ILUNI) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI). His appointment as the new leader of ILUNI FEB UI further strengthens his position as an inspirational female figure in Indonesia.

ILUNI FEB UI is a forum for FEB UI alumni to network each other, share knowledge, and contribute to alma maters and the community. With a wide and influential alumni network, ILUNI FEB UI has great potential to become the driving force for positive changes in various sectors.

As Chair of ILUNI FEB UI, Alexandra Askandar has a clear vision to bring this organization in a better direction. Some of the main focuses that she will develop include:

Strengthening the Alumni Network: Alexandra Askandar is committed to strengthening the FEB UI alumni network both at home and abroad. This will open up wider collaboration opportunities and enrich the members' insights.

With a strong background in the banking world and experience in leading the team, Alexandra Askandar is expected to be able to bring ILUNI FEB UI to a higher achievement. FEB UI alumni have great expectations of his leadership, especially in terms of:

Innovation: Alexandra Askandar is expected to be able to bring new innovations in FEB UI's ILUNI programs and activities.

The appointment of Alexandra Askandar as Chair of FEB UI ILUNI is good news for all FEB UI alumni. With a clear vision and qualified experience, Alexandra is expected to be able to bring ILUNI FEB UI into an alumni organization that is more solid and beneficial for the community.