These Are Three Government Strategies To Eradicate Terrorism In Indonesia
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ambassador to Austria concurrently with Slovenia and the International Organization in Vienna Darmansjah Djumala admitted that he was concerned about the recent acts of terror at the National Police Headquarters. He said that the incident was a form of terrorism that had to be handled appropriately.
As a diplomat, Darmansjah admitted that the government actually has three terms of reference in tackling acts of terror and acts of terrorism in the country.
First, is preventive approaches which are prevention efforts before an unwanted event occurs.
“Two elements can apply these preventive approaches, namely government and non-government. For the non-government, it can increase the role of religious leaders to spread true and positive values so that there are no misinterpretations in understanding religious teachings", he said in a webinar entitled Jihad vs Terror, Saturday, April 3.
Second, said Darmansjah, was a prosecution operation when the terror act was taking place.
"If this stage occurs, the preventive approaches that I mentioned earlier will not work optimally because there has been an act of terror or the handling of potential acts of terror", he said.
Meanwhile, the third is rehabilitation. In this way, Darmansjah explained that rehabilitation is intended to erode the existing doctrine of radicalism among terrorists by providing a correct understanding.
At this stage, a clear example of the success of the rehabilitation program can be seen in the Bali bombing convict Umar Patek who realized that his past actions were wrong.
As reported by VOI previously, on March 31, there had been a terrorist act at the Police Headquarters compound, Jakarta, in the form of an attack by a woman using a firearm.
The woman who was suspected of being a terrorist had pointed the weapon in her possession at the police before finally being paralyzed by officers.
Suddenly the incident made the public in the country recall the importance of preventive measures to ward off and eradicate radicalism in society.