Learning Solemnization Of A Marriage From Gus Miftah, Atta Halilintar: Don't Get Anything Wrong, Bismillah

JAKARTA - YouTubers Atta Halilinta and Aurel Hermansyah are having their wedding today, Saturday, April 3. The marriage contract was held at the Raffles Hotel, Setiabudi, South Jakarta.

For the sake of the smooth process of the Solemnization of a marriage consent process, Atta Halilintar studied directly from Gus Miftah, who would become the leader in his marriage contract with Aurel.

"After I finished video calling my parent, Gus Miftah want to teach me (Solemnization of a marriage)", said Atta on Instagram Story quoted by VOI.

"To be fresh first, we want to simulate the marriage contract so that tomorrow Bro Atta will run smoothly, don't get it wrong", the Ora Aji Ponpes caregiver said.

"Don't let anything go wrong, Bismillah Bismillah", Atta responded.

Atta Halilintar learns cable consent to Gus Miftah (Instagram)

President Jokowi and Prabowo will witness the marriage of Atta and Aurel. Their marriage was broadcast live on the RCTI television station at 12.30 WIB.

A wedding thanksgiving event will be held in the evening at the same location. To guide the event, Atta entrusted it to Raffi Ahmad and Ayu Dewi.