Still A 4 GW Excess, ESDM Ensures That Next Year Java-Bali Electricity Will No Longer Overcapacity

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Director General of Electricity, Jisman P Hutajulu, ensures that the excess electricity supply (oversupply) for Java and Bali will no longer occur next year.

"Next year it will be finished," he told the media crew quoted on Saturday, October 5.

Jisman continued, this is due to the high growth in electricity consumption that has occurred recently. With this high consumption, he believes that the excess electricity supply that occurs can still be absorbed.

"With this fairly high growth, I think it will be resolved in the near future," continued Jisman.

Previously, in early 2024 Jisman said the excess electricity supply in Java-Bali reached 4 GW. To overcome this, Jisman previously said he would delay the operation of several new power plants.

"Several 2-3-year power plants are trying to back down slightly from COD so as not to accumulate take or pay, so that the PLN does not have more buffers," he said on Thursday, January 18.