Collaborating With National Figures As Management, DPP Has A Strategy To Prevent Hajj And Umrah Fraud

JAKARTA - The Association of Togetherness of Umrah Travel Entrepreneurs (BERSATHU) is determined to be a forum for education for travel agents and the public about the development of Hajj and Umrah regulations in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. In addition, it also conveys information about tourist destinations in Indonesia to be popularized to foreign countries, so that it becomes an international destination tourism.

To strengthen this determination, the DPP Bersathu carried out management reconstruction at the Central Executive Board of the DPP Bersathu by presenting national figures as Chair of the Advisory Board. These figures include H. Cheppy Wahyu Hidayat as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. H Deding Ishak SH as Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees I, Prof. Dr. H Yuddy Chrisnandi SH, SE, MM as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees II, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) H. Dr. Anton Nugroho, MMD, MA as Chairman of the Honorary Council, Marsma TNI (Ret.) Dr. Drs. Bastari Rajatihang SH, MH, M.Pd, M.Sc, M.Sc, M.Si (Han) as Chair of the Advisory Board, and Inspector General (Purn) Dr. Said Saile, MS as Deputy Chair I of the Advisory Board.

There are also central leaders, three important central leaders, namely Wawan Suhada as General Chair, Mohammad Faried Al Jawi as Daily Chair, and Rizky Sembada as Secretary General.

"God willing, we are determined to collaborate between policy makers to connect the central axis with business actors. That way it can make it easier to carry out bargaining between associations with the Indonesian government and Saudi Arabia as a country for the purpose of organizing the pilgrimage and Umrah," said Rizky Sembada as Secretary General of Bersathu, quoted from a media statement, Friday, October 4.

Bersathu accommodates, brings, escorts, cooperates, and provides assistance for travel organizers in transactional security and in diversity. So that it can prevent cases of fraud in transactions of providing necessities related to the travel, tourism and Hajj ecosystem, and Umrah, such as plane tickets, Land Arrangement, hotel rooms.

General Chairperson of Bersathu Wawan Suhada in the inauguration of the DPP expressed his hope that the newly appointed management could bring positive changes. "The DPP that has just been inaugurated will certainly become a new spirit for our future performance in the various work programs that we have prepared. Currently, what is our focus, namely advocacy and education, Alhamdulillah, currently there are 135 of our members, almost 60% of whom are already PPU Organizers of Umrah Worship and God willing, we will continue to upgrade them to become layoffs, namely the Organizer of Special Hajj. Then if our members violate the law, they will certainly get or face sanctions that are in accordance with the law and we do not hesitate to remove them from membership. Including the use of quotas other than Hajj during the Hajj season and are prohibited by the government. We are committed to enforcing the rules, "said H. Wawan Suhada when met after the inauguration.

The DPP Bersathu cooperates with partners, namely Islamic bank transactions currently exist with Bank Danamon Syariah and also Bank Syariah Indonesia. Then also cooperate with insurance partners, namely Askrida Syariah and Zurich to provide services with a sense of security and comfort for all customers, both International Tour tourism and Indonesian pilgrims.

"Currently Umrah and Hajj have become an industry. It is very important that the travel agent registered by our members is a travel that has permission from the government, because organizing the pilgrimage and Umrah is an ecosystem that involves various parties from within the country and in Saudi Arabia. So, if we don't educate in detail, there are many loopholes that can cause problems, one of which is fraud," said the Daily Chair of Bersathu Mohammad Faried Al Jawi.

The DPP Bersathu also collaborated with tvOne by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). "Hopefully, with Bersathu and tvOne, people will be smarter in choosing which ones are good and right, as well as the Hajj and Umrah ecosystems can be well organized in the future", said Faried.

In line with what Faried said, Maria Goretti Limi, as Director of Business, Marketing/Sales & Programming tvOne, said that tvOne has a religious show of Damai Indonesiaku which airs every Saturday & Sunday, Damai Indonesiaku is present to go directly to mosques throughout Indonesia. Then there is the News of Hajj program that airs in the Hajj season. Through these programs, tvOne collaborates with Bersathu to provide the latest information about Hajj, as well as provide education to the public.