Police Arrest Red And White Flag Burners In Lampung, Whose Videos Have Been Uploaded To FB

LAMPUNG TIMUR - The East Lampung Police arrested a man with the initials SN (29) as the perpetrator of burning the Red and White flag.

"We have successfully secured the perpetrator, then will carry out further investigations," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Lampung Police, AKP Faria Arista, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 2.

According to information from the police, SN, who is a resident of Tulung Pasik Village, burned the Red and White flag on Tuesday, March 30.

"He uploaded the recording of the burning to the perpetrator's Facebook social media with the account name" Sunaryo "at 18.09 WIB," said Faria.

From the investigation, the police arrested SN at his residence on Thursday, April 1.

"From these arrests, we have secured one small bottle containing the remaining fuel, one clear plastic containing the remains of premium fuel, the ashes of the flag, the wood for igniting the fire, and a mobile phone unit," he said.

AKP Faria said that his party would coordinate with the hospital to find out the suspect's mental condition.

"We will coordinate with the mental hospital to find out his mental condition," said Faria.

For his actions, SN is subject to criminal sanctions Article 45 A Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 Paragraph (2) Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and / or Article 66 jo. Article 24 Letter a Law Number 24 Year 2009 concerning the Flag, Language and State Symbols and the National Anthem.