Disclosures The Voice Of The Heart And Emotions Through Artistic T-shirt Design

JAKARTA - Art works of artistic expression are a process of communicating a person's thoughts, emotions, and ideas through various creative media. This is a way for artists to convey their unique perspectives and interpretations of the world around them.

Artistic Expression reflects on how art goes beyond the frontiers of humanity, opening the door to a deeper meaning. Through each work, imagination and emotion are poured into brilliant and passionate visual forms.

This makes Manzone, a leading male fashion brand and the FSRD Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ) for collaboration by holding a T-Shirt design competition with the theme 'Artictic Expression.'

Carrying the theme 'Artictic Expression', this competition invites participants to express their creativity through designs that describe the sound of the heart and emotions.

This competition aims to advance the local creative industry, especially in the field of design and fashion. This competition, attended by more than 200 participants, has attracted the attention of talented designers, especially FSRD IKJ students and students.

And after a rigorous selection, 10 finalists were selected, and finally, 6 winners were announced some time ago at the Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the Jakarta Arts Institute (FSRD IKJ). In this creative event, each winner gets a prize in the form of a Manzone shopping voucher and cash totaling millions of rupiah.

Manzone, the leading men's fashion brand, proudly announced the successful event of the Announcement of the 'Artictic Expression' T-shirt Design Competition Winner, which was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the Gallery of the Faculty of Fines and Designs at the Jakarta Arts Institute (FSRD IKJ).

"We are very proud to be working with FSRD IKJ in supporting talented young designers in Indonesia," said Angga Krisnawan, Head of Marketing Manzone from an official statement received by VOI on Friday, October 4, 2024.

"Through this competition, we want to appreciate quality local works, and at the same time invite the public to love local products more which are no less good in terms of design and quality," he added.

Melania Wong, Creative Director of Manzone as well as a jury in this competition admitted that they were very impressed with the quality and creativity of the participants. Each design has a strong story and energy.

"This is clear evidence that our local designers have great potential to support. Through this competition, we hope to provide a platform for designers to express their creative vision as well as advance the local fashion industry," explained Melania Wong.

The work of the winners will be mass produced and sold at the Manzone store in Indonesia starting in December 2024. With competitions like this, it is hoped that the Indonesian creative industry, especially in the field of design and fashion, can continue to grow and get wider support from the community.

Manzone hopes this collaboration can inspire more young creators to continue to work and express themselves through art.

Manzone is one of the brands under the auspices of PT. Mega Pioneer Tbk, one of the retailers from Indonesia who has fashion brands for men and women.

Manzone has a series of special products for men ranging from tops, subordinates, accessories, to perfumes. Manzone has been present since 2005, has more than 100 outlets consisting of showrooms spread across shopping centers and department stores throughout Indonesia.